Energy Evaluations

Download T.F. O’Brien’s Free Home Comfort Solutions Guide

December 2, 2010

We hope you’ve been following our blog each week, and getting your HVAC questions answered right here. Whether it’s how to change a filter, improve your indoor air quality or size your replacement HVAC equipment, we want to make sure that you get the facts you need to make informed decisions about your home comfort.

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How HVAC Zoning Systems Provide Home Comfort

November 26, 2010

It seems like all of us have a different comfort zone when it comes to the heat and air conditioning system in our home. However, there is a way to solve this issue and it satisfies everyone’s needs. It is called zoning systems. Basically what this system does is allow you to heat or cool certain “zones” or areas in your home to different temperatures, based on your needs.

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Homeowner Tips for Saving Energy and Money

November 19, 2010

Now more than ever, a penny saved is a penny earned. Homeowners everywhere are doing everything they can to reduce unnecessary energy costs at home by finding ways to reduce energy use and get better energy savings.

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Proper Insulation is a Major Factor in Controlling Energy Costs

November 12, 2010

You are paying just about half of your monthly utility bill to heat or cool your home. Given the tough economic times, all of us are looking for ways to cut our expenses, and significant savings may be found by better controlling your energy costs. Sealing up a home with additional home insulation is an excellent way to save money and make your home more comfortable.

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Bigger is Not Always Better When Purchasing HVAC Equipment

November 11, 2010

When it is time to replace heating and air conditioning equipment, it is absolutely essential that you match the size of the unit to the needs of your home. Do not assume that just because a unit has more power it is the appropriate HVAC system for use in your house. Today’s hvac systems come in a variety of sizes for a reason, and you need to choose the one that will be the most efficient at heating and cooling your home.

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