Oil to Gas Conversions in Long Island, NY

Have You Converted from Oil to Gas?

We Can Help You with Heating Maintenance & Repairs

If you have converted from oil to gas in your home, you can count on T.F. O’Brien to help you get the services you need for your equipment. Whether you need annual maintenance for your gas furnace, or need repair service, you can count on us to help.

T.F. O’Brien has been in the business of gas furnaces for more than eight decades for one simple reason – we believe in always putting the needs of our customers first. We employ superior craftsmen with great attitudes and work ethics. Our main objective is meeting your gas furnace needs with courtesy, professionalism and expertise. We’ll work hard to keep your Long Island, NY home warm no matter how frightful the weather outside may be.

Get Started with an Estimate

Call T.F. O'Brien Cooling & Heating at (516) 488-1800 or complete our short form below and a representative will reach out to you.

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    "Completely Satisfied"

    "I was completely satisfied with the professionalism, quality, and courteousness of your service. I will continue to call on and recommend you all future AC/Heating needs. Thank You."

    - T.F., Baldwin, NY

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    85+ years of service

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    T.F. O’Brien review scores as of 10/4/24

    Choose Us to Keep Your Gas Furnace Running All Winter

    Gas Furnace Maintenance: T.F. O’Brien services nearly every make and model of gas furnace ever made. We check the furnace components, filters, and heating mechanisms of your gas furnace. By maintaining your gas furnace, you’ll help it achieve peak performance, which can help you save on future energy bills and repair costs.

    Gas Furnace Repair: T.F. O’Brien provides gas furnace repair services on most makes and models of gas furnaces, so no matter what type you currently have installed in your home, we can assist you. We can fix burners, heat exchangers, and ignitions systems that aren’t working actively to keep you warm. We’ll provide you with prompt service as well, so you can count on us having your gas furnace repair completed effectively and efficiently.

    If you’ve converted from oil to gas in your Long Island home, count on T.F. O’Brien.

    Whether you need maintenance or repair for your gas furnace, you can count on T.F. O’Brien to help you get the services you need. Simply give us a call at 516.488.1800, and we will be more than happy to help you.