Heat Pumps

Why More Homeowners Are Investigating Dual Fuel Systems

April 1, 2011

Harnessing the Best Fuel for the Circumstances A dual fuel system is a combination  gas furnace and electric heat pump. Heat pumps are extremely energy efficient and can produce as much as four times the amount of energy they consume, according to government statistics.

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Troubleshooting Tips For Your Heat Pump

March 22, 2011

Learn What to Do If Your Heat Pump is Not Working Correctly Heat pumps are a great way to save energy. They combine heating and cooling systems by using energy taken from the air outside. Instead of heating cold air, heat pumps just move heat around, meaning they can be 30 to 40 percent more… Continue Reading

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Heat Pump Essentials for Homeowners

October 12, 2010

If you’re a Long Island homeowner using a heat pump to heat and cool your home, you may already know that this equipment offers energy-efficient comfort. We’d like to go over some heat pump essentials for anyone who’d like more information about this type of HVAC system, or just wants to better understand how their system works.

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