Air Scrubbers for Long Island Homes

Introducing Aerus Air Scrubbers from T. F. O'Brien

For many years, we've been dedicated to improving indoor air quality for our Long Island customers. The technology used to purify air is constantly evolving, and we're excited to introduce the latest addition to our arsenal: Aerus Air Scrubbers.

Aerus Air Scrubbers utilize a proactive and aggressive approach. They combine germicidal UV lightwaves with a catalytic process to not only hunt down airborne particles but also kill germs on surfaces throughout your home. Originally developed for industrial and even space exploration applications, this cutting-edge technology can now be integrated with your existing HVAC system and ductwork, bringing cleaner air to your Long Island home.

Here's what sets Aerus Air Scrubbers apart:

  • Proactive vs. Passive: Unlike traditional air purifiers that rely on passive filtration, Aerus Air Scrubbers actively target contaminants.
  • Surface & Air Purification: They eliminate germs not only in the air but also on surfaces.
  • Hospital-Grade Technology: Originally designed for demanding environments, Aerus Air Scrubbers deliver powerful air cleaning for your home.

Air Scrubbers Use Your Existing Ductwork

We install your air scrubber into your ductwork where it will use a combination of advanced technologies to spread germ killing UV lightwaves throughout your house everywhere that has ductwork. Using ActivePure Technology, the results are impressive when measured by levels of contaminants before and after. The Aerus Air Scrubber has been shown to remove 99.9% of ALL airborne and surface contaminants. This includes these types of particles floating in your air:

  • RNA Viruses (colds, flu)
  • DNA Viruses (adenovirus, smallpox)
  • Gram Positive Bacteria (staph, strep, listeria)
  • Gram Negative Bacteria (salmonella, bacterium that can cause ear infections and meningitis, whooping cough)
  • Bacterial Spores (spores that can cause intestinal issues)
  • Fungal Spores (can cause allergic reactions)
  • Regular Fungi  (black mold, other spores)

Up until now, air scrubbers have been used in medical and industrial applications, but now you can get the same impressive results at your home using your existing ductwork and central HVAC system.

Breathe Easier Today with Aerus Air Scrubbers

Don't wait any longer to experience the transformative power of clean air in your Long Island home. Our cutting-edge Aerus Air Scrubbers utilize hospital-grade technology to proactively eliminate airborne and surface contaminants, creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment for you and your family.

Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how Aerus Air Scrubbers can revolutionize your indoor air quality. We're confident you'll be impressed with the results!