Do You Know Where The Best Place In Your Home Is For A Carbon Monoxide Detector?

carbon monoxide detector Long Island, NY areaPlace Yours Where It Will Do the Most Good: Near the Master Bedroom

Carbon monoxide detectors are your first line of defense against carbon monoxide exposure, which at the lowest level can be harmful to your family, and at the highest level – deadly. While purchasing and installing a carbon monoxide detector is certainly a step in the right direction, you also have to take the proper placement of these devices into consideration in order to maximize their effectiveness.

If you’re starting out with just one carbon monoxide detector, you’re going to want to install it near the master bedroom. This ensures that the alarm will wake you, and that you’ll have ample time to get your family out of the home.

That said, experts recommend installing at least one detection device on every level of your home, and making sure that detectors are placed within 10-15 feet of all sleeping areas. Ideally, they should be placed no higher than 10 feet above ground, and no lower than eye level.

If possible, try to place detection devices in the vicinity of known sources of carbon monoxide. For example, you could place a detector on the interior wall opposite an attached garage, or in the basement near your furnace. However, it’s important not to place carbon monoxide detectors too close to sources of carbon monoxide, as this increases the likelihood of a false positive. You’ll also want to avoid high humidity areas, such as the kitchen for the same reason.

You’ll also need to consider the type of detectors you’re working with. Will they need an electric power source? Or will they be battery-operated? Even if you do choose an electric model, be sure it has a battery backup, as that will ensure your protection during power outages, when alternative sources of light and heat often create increased levels of carbon monoxide in the air. In addition, you’ll need to keep an eye on the charge of your batteries, so make sure the detector is easily accessible.

For more information on the proper placement of carbon monoxide detectors, contact T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating – serving Long Island since 1934.

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