What Makes A HEPA Air Filter Different?

Remove Even Smaller Particles From You Home Air With HEPA Technology

The quality of your indoor air depends on an efficient method of air filtration. Air filters are designed to remove irritating allergens from your indoor air and allow your family to breathe in relative comfort. The problem is that most of your typical air filters just are not capable of removing smaller allergens from the air you breathe. High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, however, are designed to do just that.

HEPA air filters have been designed to meet the stringent guidelines of the U.S. Department of Energy. While a standard filter basically screens out particles of a certain size, HEPA air filters use a more complex method of filtration. Instead of performing like a sieve, they remove particles from the air by forcing it through a layered pattern of fiberglass mesh. This allows the filter to trap allergen particles of various sizes and remove them from your indoor air.

While HEPA air filters obviously provide a more efficient means of filtration than standard microfiltration filters, you should always consult a professional to ensure the filter you choose is appropriate for your system. If you need help in assessing your filtration needs, call us today at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating for expert consultation and let our trained technicians provide you with the knowledge and experience of over 75 years of HVAC service in the Long Island area.