Clues That It May Be Time For A New Air Conditioner

time to replace your air conditioner, Long Island, New YorkFind Out How to Evaluate Your Current AC System

Replacing your air conditioner can be quite an undertaking. However, not replacing your current, possibly inefficient, system could end up costing you more money and time in the long run.

Do not wait until your existing system stops working to decide that it should be replaced, as this can often cause homeowners to make a quick buying decision. Future maintenance and operation should be considered when determining whether or not it is time for a new air conditioning system.

Here are some clues you can use to decide if it’s time for a new air conditioner:

  • If repairs become necessary more and more often. Even if they are minor, repair costs can add up. Frequent repairs can also be an indicator that the system is not working as efficiently as it should, and that it’s nearing the end of its useful life.
  • If repairs cost more than 50 percent of the value of the system, or they total more than 50 percent of the cost for a new air conditioner, it may be time to consider an upgrade.
  • If the current system is old (by more than 10 years) and is not as energy efficient as it could be, it is likely time to replace your air conditioner. Even systems just several years old are not as energy efficient as newer systems.
  • If your utility bills are higher than desired or become more than normally expected, it is a sign that your system may not be working efficiently.
  • If mold or mildew growth becomes a problem in your home, due to high humidity, that’s often a clear signal that your air conditioner may not be working properly. A newer system with a variable-speed air handler will help to keep humidity levels normal.

Replacing an inefficient air conditioner may be the best step in saving you money and maintaining a healthy home environment. The specialists at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating can help you determine whether or not replacing your existing system is the best option for you. Contact us today for expert advice about your continued home comfort. We have served homeowners in the Long Island area for more than 75 years.

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