A Humidifier Will Keep Static Electricity From Getting Out of Hand

humidity guage-humidifier, Long Island, New YorkA Whole House Humidifier Can Remove Dry Air During Winter


We all know that the winter months in Long Island are notorious for creating an excessive amount of static electricity around the home, causing everything from unpleasant shocks to bad hair days. The reason for the static increase is related to a home’s heating system and the lack of a humidifier. Continue reading “A Humidifier Will Keep Static Electricity From Getting Out of Hand”

Efficiency Standards for HVAC Equipment: Are They Going Up Soon?

Updates on New Standards for HVAC Equipment

In an effort to reduce energy consumption, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) worked with a group of utility and HVAC industry experts in 2009 to improve efficiency standards for HVAC equipment. The increased efficiency ratings were to go into place in 2013, but a court order delayed their implementation because the new increased efficiency standards for gas furnaces and boilers would cause financial harm to some homeowners. Continue reading “Efficiency Standards for HVAC Equipment: Are They Going Up Soon?”

WiFi Thermostats Are Cutting Edge, but What Do They Do?

How Technology Can Make Home Comfort More Comfortable and Economical

We have long praised the benefits of owning a programmable thermostat. Not only do they help reduce energy consumption by working less while your family is away or asleep, but they’re a confident way to see that your family remains comfortable no matter where they are in your home. But, programmable thermostats do have a few disadvantages that WiFi thermostats skirt.  Continue reading “WiFi Thermostats Are Cutting Edge, but What Do They Do?”

Your Fall Furnace Inspection: Did You Skip It?

Have Us Come Out and Check It Before Winter Ends

HVAC contractors recommend a fall furnace inspection to optimize HVAC system efficiency all winter long. However, it’s not too late if you skipped a fall tuneup this year. The comfort in your Long Island home will be dependent on the furnace for another few months. Scheduling an appointment now will yield lower utility and repair bills this season. Continue reading “Your Fall Furnace Inspection: Did You Skip It?”

Gas or Oil Heating: Which Is Best for Your Long Island Home?

gas heating oil heating

Here are Some Things to Consider When Choosing a Heating System

When choosing between gas or oil heating, it’s important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages that come along with each method. During the fall and winter, most Long Island residents seek cost effective, energy efficient heating to keep their home cozy and warm. From the furnace’s efficiency rating—also known as an annual fuel utilization rating, or AFUE for short—to the monthly cost of fuel, you’ll want to calculate these and other additional factors into your final decision.  Continue reading “Gas or Oil Heating: Which Is Best for Your Long Island Home?”

Your Programmable Thermostat Can Help You Save This Winter, if You Use It Right

programmable thermostat

Learn How to Use Your New Thermostat to Its Potential

A programmable thermostat is one of the best investments you can make this winter when it comes to saving energy, but it must be programmed correctly in order to work efficiently. A properly installed and operated programmable thermostat will help you spend less on energy bills both now and in the warmer months to come. Learn how to use your programmable thermostat to maximize your energy savings this winter.  Continue reading “Your Programmable Thermostat Can Help You Save This Winter, if You Use It Right”

Got Your HVAC System Installation Quotes? There’s an Art to Choosing the Right One

hvac system installation

Find the Right HVAC System for You and Your Budget

When something goes wrong with your HVAC system, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the entire process of heating or cooling replacement. Finding the right company isn’t simply a matter of choosing the lowest of the HVAC system installation quotes. You want to consider quality and value as well.  Continue reading “Got Your HVAC System Installation Quotes? There’s an Art to Choosing the Right One”

Copper Theft Can Cost You Bigtime: Here’s How

copper theft

Your Outdoor AC System Holds a Precious Metal: Copper

As if Long Island summers aren’t hot enough already, some thieves are determined to make things hotter—by breaking into air conditioning units to steal the copper inside. As the price of copper continues to rise, the value of scrap copper also increases, leading to a greater amount of copper theft from wire, water pipes and even air conditioning across the nation. Continue reading “Copper Theft Can Cost You Bigtime: Here’s How”

Your Heat Pump Has a Balance Point in Winter: Why You Should Know What It Is

Learn How to Improve Energy Efficiency With a Heat Pump System

One of the most valuable pieces of equipment in your home, especially in the winter, is your heating system. Heat pumps in particular are a cost-efficient source of heating for your home. However, because they work by moving heat energy from one place to another, they provide less heating to your home the colder it gets outside. When temperatures dip to near freezing or below, the heat pump’s balance point has been breached and the backup heating source kicks on. Knowing how to work out the balance point of your heat pump will help to ensure that you can stay warmer for less. Continue reading “Your Heat Pump Has a Balance Point in Winter: Why You Should Know What It Is”

Your Heat Pump’s Thermostat: What You Need to Know for Winter Programming

How a Programmable System Can Help Cut Costs

There’s no question that you want to stay warm and comfortable in your home, but that doesn’t mean you have to waste electricity to do so. Many homeowners don’t realize that they’re not effectively using their heat pump’s thermostat. Let’s explore the simple ways you can reduce your energy consumption. Continue reading “Your Heat Pump’s Thermostat: What You Need to Know for Winter Programming”