Your Fall Furnace Inspection: Did You Skip It?

Have Us Come Out and Check It Before Winter Ends

HVAC contractors recommend a fall furnace inspection to optimize HVAC system efficiency all winter long. However, it’s not too late if you skipped a fall tuneup this year. The comfort in your Long Island home will be dependent on the furnace for another few months. Scheduling an appointment now will yield lower utility and repair bills this season. Continue reading “Your Fall Furnace Inspection: Did You Skip It?”

Copper Theft Can Cost You Bigtime: Here’s How

copper theft

Your Outdoor AC System Holds a Precious Metal: Copper

As if Long Island summers aren’t hot enough already, some thieves are determined to make things hotter—by breaking into air conditioning units to steal the copper inside. As the price of copper continues to rise, the value of scrap copper also increases, leading to a greater amount of copper theft from wire, water pipes and even air conditioning across the nation. Continue reading “Copper Theft Can Cost You Bigtime: Here’s How”

Closing Air Vents in Your Long Island Home? What You Need to First Understand

closing air vents

Modern Heating Systems Need Proper Ventilation

It’s a cold winter day in Suffolk County. You’re home alone, freezing because you don’t want to waste energy by turning the heater up. So, thinking it will help, you go around the house and close air vents in empty bedrooms. It seems logical that restricting airflow from your heater or air conditioner will save energy or work faster, but the opposite is true. Continue reading “Closing Air Vents in Your Long Island Home? What You Need to First Understand”

Tackle Water Heater Maintenance to Keep the Hot Water Flowing Freely

water heater maintenance, Long Island, New YorkNow is the Best Time to Get Your Water Heater Looked At

There’s a familiar chill in the Long Island air. Fall is here, with winter soon to follow and that means dropping temperatures. Keep the temperature of your water comfortably warm with water heater maintenance now to avoid any issues over the winter. Continue reading “Tackle Water Heater Maintenance to Keep the Hot Water Flowing Freely”

8 Tips for Hiring an HVAC Contractor Who’s Right for the Job

hvac contractor, Long Island, New YorkKnowing What to Look For in a Quality HVAC Contractor

Why do so many people worry when hiring an HVAC contractor? Perhaps it’s because a home’s heating and cooling system is a key element when it comes to keeping your home happy and healthy. Continue reading “8 Tips for Hiring an HVAC Contractor Who’s Right for the Job”

Tackle End-of-Season Air Conditioner Maintenance to Prolong System Life

end-of-season a/c maintenance, Long Island, New YorkGive Your AC Some End-of-the-Season Love


As the seasons change, so do your heating and air conditioning requirements. Continue reading “Tackle End-of-Season Air Conditioner Maintenance to Prolong System Life”

Get Your Long Island Home Prepared for Fall With This Maintenance Checklist

fall maintenance checklist, Long Island, New YorkCooler Days are Coming, Here are Ways to Get Your Home Ready


As summer comes to a close and cooler fall days arrive, there’s a lot of prep work to be done both inside and outside your home. Follow this fall maintenance checklist to help safeguard your wallet and your home. Continue reading “Get Your Long Island Home Prepared for Fall With This Maintenance Checklist”

Time to Map Out a Long-Term Energy Savings Strategy

long-term energy savings strategy-Long Island, New YorkUse the End of Summer to Work On Maximizing Energy Use

Every small step you take to reduce your home energy consumption adds up. But to achieve significant savings over a long period of time, you should devise a long-term energy savings strategy. Continue reading “Time to Map Out a Long-Term Energy Savings Strategy”

A Heat Pump Air Conditioner Needs Regular Maintenance

heat pump air conditioner maintenance, Long Island, New YorkYour heat pump air conditioner requires regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently and to help you save money on your energy costs. Continue reading “A Heat Pump Air Conditioner Needs Regular Maintenance”

Your Poorly Performing Air Conditioner Is at the End of the Line? The Telling Signs

poorly performing air conditioner, Long Island, New YorkThe last thing you want to deal with when the temperature soars outside is a poorly performing air conditioner. Continue reading “Your Poorly Performing Air Conditioner Is at the End of the Line? The Telling Signs”