A Humidifier Will Keep Static Electricity From Getting Out of Hand

humidity guage-humidifier, Long Island, New YorkA Whole House Humidifier Can Remove Dry Air During Winter


We all know that the winter months in Long Island are notorious for creating an excessive amount of static electricity around the home, causing everything from unpleasant shocks to bad hair days. The reason for the static increase is related to a home’s heating system and the lack of a humidifier. Continue reading “A Humidifier Will Keep Static Electricity From Getting Out of Hand”

Forced Air Furnaces: How Do They Do What They Do?

Keeping Your Home Warm All Winter is Your Furnace’s Job

Forced air furnaces are a popular way to keep our homes warm. Between efficient use and effectiveness at heating an entire house, these heating systems have become wildly popular across the country. So, how does a forced air system work? Continue reading “Forced Air Furnaces: How Do They Do What They Do?”

8 Tips for Hiring an HVAC Contractor Who’s Right for the Job

hvac contractor, Long Island, New YorkKnowing What to Look For in a Quality HVAC Contractor

Why do so many people worry when hiring an HVAC contractor? Perhaps it’s because a home’s heating and cooling system is a key element when it comes to keeping your home happy and healthy. Continue reading “8 Tips for Hiring an HVAC Contractor Who’s Right for the Job”

Ensure Your Family’s Safety at Home With Carbon Monoxide Detectors

carbon monoxide detectors, Long Island, New YorkLearn How These Devices are Life Savers

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that’s colorless and odorless, making it impossible to know if you’ve been exposed without the use of carbon monoxide detectors. Continue reading “Ensure Your Family’s Safety at Home With Carbon Monoxide Detectors”

Need a Furnace Replacement for Your New York Residence? Do Your Homework

do your homework - furnace replacement, Long Island, New YorkBuying a New Furnace is an Important Purchase


Looking for a furnace replacement could be one of the more demanding processes you go through as a homeowner, and it’s also an important one. Long Island winters are long and cold, and heating your home takes a substantial piece out of your budget.  Continue reading “Need a Furnace Replacement for Your New York Residence? Do Your Homework”

Get Your Long Island Home Prepared for Fall With This Maintenance Checklist

fall maintenance checklist, Long Island, New YorkCooler Days are Coming, Here are Ways to Get Your Home Ready


As summer comes to a close and cooler fall days arrive, there’s a lot of prep work to be done both inside and outside your home. Follow this fall maintenance checklist to help safeguard your wallet and your home. Continue reading “Get Your Long Island Home Prepared for Fall With This Maintenance Checklist”

Let the Energy Star Be Your Guide When Replacing Your A/C or Furnace

energy star, Long Island, New YorkNavigate the Value of the Energy Star Sticker


It’s been more than 20 years, but one star on the horizon still provides as much illumination as it did in 1992. It’s the Energy Star, and it should serve as your guiding force if you’re about to replace your air conditioner or furnace. Continue reading “Let the Energy Star Be Your Guide When Replacing Your A/C or Furnace”

Modulating Furnaces: Green, Eco-Friendly, Efficient and Comfortable

modulating furnaces boost efficiency, Long Island, New YorkEnergy Efficient Furnaces That Vary Energy Use Based on Typical Usage

Unlike standard furnaces that start and stop, leaving drastic temperature changes in your home, a modulating furnace operates constantly to monitor the temperature in your home. Continue reading “Modulating Furnaces: Green, Eco-Friendly, Efficient and Comfortable”

Your Gas-Fired Furnace Might Be Ready for a Retrofit

gas-fired furnace, Long Island, New YorkOld Gas Furnaces are Inefficient but Can be Modified


Your old gas-fired furnace could be costing you a good deal of money because of its relative inefficiency compared to newer models. If you want to increase your energy efficiency and save some money, you have two options for that old furnace: Repair or replace it. Continue reading “Your Gas-Fired Furnace Might Be Ready for a Retrofit”