Correct Furnace Sizing Is Paramount for Top Efficiency

furnace sizing, Long Island, New YorkFurnace Sizing is an Important Factor

Because Long Island homeowners rely on their furnaces as an effective way to stay comfortable, it makes sense to take the time to have an HVAC professional determine the correctly-sized furnace for your home. Accurate furnace sizing will keep your system running efficiently.

What happens when you choose the wrong furnace size?

You might assume that choosing the biggest furnace for your home is the best decision. Many people think that choosing a big furnace will create more heat, thus keeping their homes warm. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Instead, an oversized or undersized furnace poses new problems for your house. The common problem of forcing a big furnace into a small house results in short cycling, whereby the furnace turns on and off frequently. This strains the unit, making it consume a greater amount of energy.

Benefits of correct furnace sizing

There are many benefits that you reap from choosing a correctly sized furnace for your home. No one wants a furnace that will use a lot of energy or a furnace that won’t warm up their house effectively. Choosing the correct furnace size helps to keep your house warm at the most comfortable temperatures. Your furnace will work efficiently with minimal repair work, which helps you to save money. With correct sizing, your energy bills will be reasonable for you to afford to pay.

For more information about furnace sizing, contact the pros at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We proudly service Long Island homeowners.

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