Modulating Furnaces: Green, Eco-Friendly, Efficient and Comfortable

modulating furnaces boost efficiency, Long Island, New YorkEnergy Efficient Furnaces That Vary Energy Use Based on Typical Usage

Unlike standard furnaces that start and stop, leaving drastic temperature changes in your home, a modulating furnace operates constantly to monitor the temperature in your home.

This type of furnace makes slight adjustments constantly to distribute warm air through the home evenly. A modulating furnace has a modulating gas valve that circulates air, judging how much the air needs to be heated to match the desired temperature.

The furnace will start with the highest flame level and the highest blower setting. As the home warms up, the flame and blower setting are both lowered. This means that your home temperature will vary less.

A modulating furnace also offers a number of safety features that help keep your home, family and investment protected. Built-in safety mechanisms are installed that can sense when the flue or ductwork become blocked. The furnace will automatically set itself to a lower heating level, ensuring that the furnace is running at a safe level while continuing to heat the air.

Modulating furnaces are a little more expensive that standard furnaces, but they cost less to run in the long term. Not only built to last, these energy-efficient furnaces are great eco-friendly investments. By using less energy to heat your home, you’re reducing any by-products that come about due to energy production.

If you’re interested in more information on modulating furnaces and their benefits, contact the pros at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We’ve served the Long Island area since 1934.

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