Is Mold A Problem After This Year’s Wet Weather Conditions? When To Call The Pros

mold problems, Long Island New York areaLearn About Mold Abatement to Remove Spores From Your Home


When a region receives an unusually high amount of rain and when relative humidity is high the resulting moisture can lead to mold problems. Left unchecked, mold growth can become rampant, lower the value of your home, cause health problems and generally be inconvenient to repair. However, not all mold problems are the same. While it is possible for homeowners to correct small problems, large or complex projects will require the expertise of a professional.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlines several instances where homeowners should contact professionals. In particular, if the problem has spread to cover an area that is greater than 10 square feet, homeowners should have the area evaluated by a professional experienced in mold cleanup.

While the size of the area to repaire can determine if professional help is required, the EPA also advises homeowners to contact an expert when contaminated water has caused the damage. For instance, if you suspect the problem stems from contaminated water from a septic line, then you should contact professionals who are experienced in repairing damage caused by contaminated water.The mixture of mold and waste water will create conditions that pose numerous health hazards, and, as a result, individuals are discouraged from attempting repairs on their own.

If the problem area is located near the intake of your ventilation system, then you should contact a professional immediately. Also, the ventilation system should not be activated until the problem is repaired. Otherwise, the ventilation system can potentially spread mold spores throughout the home. This can result in increased repair costs and potential health risks.  The EPA also advises individuals, particularly those with respiratory problems or weakened immune systems, to avoid attempting to repair the damage, as it is possible for spores to begin growing in the lining of lung tissue.

To get expert advice, find out how to avoid problems with mold, or to address a current mold problem in your home contact the friendly staff at T.F. O’Brien Heating & Cooling.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about mold problems  and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

 T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.  Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!

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