Long Island Residents: Get More Comfort With Dehumidifiers

Reducing Humidity Will Make You More Comfortable This Summer


hvac technician in front of truckGiven the lay of our land, it is not surprising that excess moisture is a common problem in Long Island homes. High humidity — especially in July and August — can make your home uncomfortable, leading to mold, the proliferation of dust mites, and an increase in allergens. Have you noticed:

  • Condensation on your walls and windows?
  • Mold in your bathroom?
  • A musty smell in your home?

These are all signs of a moisture problem, possibly created by our humid climate. In many cases, a dehumidifier can help. But when you are in the market for a dehumidifier, the options may seem overwhelming. What type of dehumidifier should you purchase to keep your home comfortable and safe? Three basic types to consider:

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  • Heat pump dehumidifiers. These humidifiers  draw in moist air that condenses when met with cold coils inside the machine. The resulting water can be drained away. This type of dehumidifier works well in many homes.
  • Chemical absorbent dehumidifiers. Designed for use in very hot and humid climates, this type of dehumidifier absorbs moisture with a drying agent — such as silica gel — on a heat exchange wheel. These dehumidifiers use more energy than heat pump dehumidifier.
  • Dehumidifying ventilators. These are a good option for homes that require consistent moisture control, such as when the source of moisture is the basement. You simply set the desired humidity level, and the dehumidifier automatically turns on and off to maintain that specified level.

For many homeowners, your living space is also your biggest investment. It makes sense to protect your home and your family against moisture-related problems. At T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating, we’re always glad to help. Please contact our professionals if we can be of service.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about dehumidifiers and other HVAC topics, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.


T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.  To get started, get a quote from us or check out our special offers.