How Can a Maintenance Agreement Benefit You?

Regular HVAC Maintenance is a Way to Save You Time and Money

No matter the season, one thing is constant—we need our HVAC systems to work. In order to rely on these intricate systems, homeowners need to maintain them through regular servicing. With so many other commitments to worry about on a day-to-day basis, this job can easily slip down the to-do list. An HVAC maintenance agreement could be the answer to this common problem.

Peace of Mind

If you want regular servicing to pretty much take care of itself, a maintenance agreement is ideal for you. As well as taking the guess work out of when preventive maintenance is due, there are often other benefits:

  • Inspection and cleaning – A full inspection and cleaning is standard in most maintenance agreements. From evaporator coils to fan blades, all elements are checked, meaning any potential efficiency problems can be picked up and rectified early, and you know everything is operating safely. Professional cleaning is also an integral part of the seasonal tune-up, which can help extend the life span of your system.
  • Rapid, reduced-cost repairs – A maintenance agreement means that you know if a problem does occur, you won’t pay over the odds for emergency repair costs. Your needs will be treated as a priority and labor rates and replacement part costs may be discounted.
  • Slashed operating costs – Regular maintenance ensures your HVAC system is working as effectively as possible so running costs can be kept low. Some homeowners find that the savings they see can even offset the price of the maintenance agreement itself.
  • A service you can trust – Effective agreements are based on a long-term partnership between the customer and the service provider. Maintenance agreements allow this relationship to develop and mean you get to know and trust the team working on your system.

At T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating, we can handle any of your heating and cooling issues. If you live in Long Island, contact us today and together we will work out a maintenance agreement that suits you and your home.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.  Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!     

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