New Home Energy Yardstick Can Target Energy Savings

Rate Your Home for Energy Use With Free Tool

Are you doing all you can to keep your home comfort energy costs low? It seems to be a never-ending quest to keep fuel and electricity costs at a manageable level. Prices go up and winters seem more severe; summer heat seems more oppressive. Have you ever wondered how your efforts to see more energy savings are paying off?

There’s a website that can give you an actual rating on how well you are doing. It is an anonymous, private way for a homeowner to gauge how well their efforts are paying off. The website lets you know where you stand on energy savings compared to others in your area who experience the same temperatures, weather patterns and conditions.

Energy Star, a project of the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, created the Home Energy Yardstick to rate your home compared only to other homes in your own community. You will need to simply plug in a Zip Code, home size and energy expenses to find out how successful you are at keeping your costs down.

The rating is a yardstick-style measurement of your costs based on the size of your home, number of occupants and energy usage. The rating system is from 1 to 10. Those in the 5 or 6 area are about average compared to their neighbors. Homeowners rating above a 6 should be quite proud. Your energy savings are on the right track. If you happen to fall at a 4 or below, you may want to examine how you can get more from the energy dollars you are spending.

An online tool is just the first step toward energy savings though. Count on the staff at T. F. O’Brien to work with you on a whole-house approach to keeping energy costs in line. We can look at your particular situation and offer options and suggestions to help you save more on your heating and cooling. We want everyone to get the most benefit from their home comfort dollars.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about energy savings and other HVAC topics, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.


T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.  To get started, get a quote from us or check out our special offers.