The Cooling Season In Long Island May Be Near The End, But Preventive Maintenance Should Not Be Ignored

How to Wrap Up Your Long Summer of Running Your AC

Sadly for some, summer must come to an end, but maintaining your heating and cooling system is a year-round commitment. Even as summer is winding down, it is important to continue regular preventive maintenance activities to protect your home comfort system and ensure that your equipment will operate as efficiently as possible.

Your preseason tuneup made sure that your air conditioner was optimized for the summer cooling season. Keep it that way by doing the following:

  • Change your air filters. As these filters get dirty, they can impede airflow, reduce energy efficiency and sometimes create clogs. This is why it is so important to check them on a monthly basis, especially if your air conditioner is running very frequently. Clean filters also protect the equipment from dirt and dust buildup.
  • Keep outdoor equipment clean. The outdoor unit of your air conditioner can become blocked with dead leaves, debris and tall plants and grasses. When airflow around this equipment is impeded, energy efficiency will decrease and your monthly cooling bills will go up. Keep the area clear and trim any nearby plants or shrubs to avoid these problems.
  • Sign up for a preventive maintenance plan. The best way to ensure that your heating and cooling system is getting the service it needs is to sign up for a preventive maintenance program. Your contractor will contact you when it’s time for a tuneup, so you don’t have to worry about scheduling appointments. Other benefits typically include preferred service for repair calls.

A well-maintained heating and cooling system will usually save you money by reducing necessary repairs and increasing energy efficiency. You will also benefit from improved home comfort and lower utility bills.

For expert preventive maintenance in Long Island, contact the professionals at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. Our trained technicians will perform a thorough inspection and tuneup to ensure that your heating and cooling system is optimized and operating efficiently.

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