Use These Tips To Select A Carbon Monoxide Detector

home carbon monoxide detection - new york/new jerseyDeadly Gas is Undetectable Without a CO2 Detector in Your Home


Worried about carbon monoxide exposure? It’s possible to realize a safe atmosphere with detectors.

Carbon monoxide gas is produced by fuel combustion through gas appliances, a gas or oil furnace or other combustible fuel equipment. The only way to discover the presence of the gas is by a detecting mechanism.

Carbon monoxide gas can cause sickness, dizziness, headaches and even result in death. It is a dangerous gas in small amounts and lethal in greater ones. Even outdoor grilles and emergency generators can emit high levels of carbon monoxide. If these draft through an open window near a patio, back porch or deck, the fumes can cause nausea and flu-like symptoms.

There are basically two choices for a carbon monoxide detector: one operates on batteries; the other runs on common household current. There are assets and limitations to both. Below are some characteristics of the battery-powered detectors:

  • Lifespan — Two to three years. Batteries must be changed and the sensor may need to be replaced periodically.
  • Location–Can be located virtually anywhere in the home.
  • Reaction Time–It alarms when levels of carbon monoxide become concentrated. Usually there is no digital display.
  • Cost–Price is approximately $30 to $50.
  • Installation–Installation is usually easy. Can be mounted with screws and screwdriver.

Wired carbon monoxide detectors have these features:

  • Lifespan–Home current detectors last 5 to 10 years. No maintenance is required.
  • Location–If plugged in, they must be located near an outlet. If hard wired, wire must be run to the desired area.
  • Reaction Time–Digital display gives   a constant reading of levels. Alarm sounds when levels become high.
  • Cost–Price is approximately $30 to $50.
  • Installation–Carbon monoxide detector must be plugged into an existing outlet or hard wired into existing current.

Standard detectors should always be placed closer to the ceiling. They should be located on each floor of a home, and at least one should be near the sleeping areas.

The staff at T.F. O’Brien Cooling and Heating firmly believes that every home, apartment and commercial building should be equipped with carbon monoxide detectors. If you have questions regarding the number, placement or type of detector for your home, contact us.

We’ll be happy to help you make your home safer.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about carbon monoxide detection and other HVAC topics, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.


T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.  To get started, get a quote from us or check out our special offers.