If You’re Not Sure if Your Home is Too Damp, Here Are Five Ways to Tell.

dehumidifier-long island, new-yorkWith Long Island Heat Comes Long Island Humidity


Summertime can cause your home’s humidity level to increase. Usually, with air conditioning, it isn’t overly noticeable, but some homes just seem to have more of a moisture problem than others. What’s the big deal if your home has too much moisture, anyway? Well, excessive humidity, especially in warmer weather, offers a breeding ground for mold and mildew – and that can cause health concerns. Most people can feel excessive moisture in the air, but there are a few other definite telltale signs that can indicate your home has a problem.

Condensation: Have you noticed that the windows of your home have foggy glass, or even beads of moisture on them? This means the air in your home is too damp. It can lead to wood rot and mold growth if nothing is done to reduce your home’s moisture levels. Indoor factors like an oversized humidifier, and outdoor factors like heavy rains and high humidity levels, can lead to too much moisture inside.

Mold: If you notice mold growing in your house, especially on your ceiling or in the corners of your walls, moisture is likely a problem in your home. Black mold in particular can cause health issues. Dehumidification can help, but you should get at the root of the problem, like plumbing issues or a leaking roof, to make sure you take care of the cause and mitigate moisture damage.

Odors: Mildew has a distinctive, musty odor that lets you know its presence. Mold and mildew are both fungi that aren’t good to breathe in, and grow rampantly where there is excessive moisture. These odors point out that too much moisture in your home is a problem, and can help you discover where dehumidification will best benefit your home.

Wood rot: Too much moisture in your home can cause the wood to rot, and worse, invite pests like termites into your home. Window and door casings often show signs of wood rot first, but the same thing can be happening to your drywall, hardwood floors and foundation. That’s why taking care of humidity is important for the structural integrity of your home.

Allergens: Mold, mildew and bacteria thrive in humid conditions, so if you’re experiencing increased allergy symptoms inside your home, too much moisture could be the culprit. A dehumidifier may help you diminish the presence of these allergens in your home, helping you and your family breathe easier.

If you have any of these signs of excessive moisture in your home, it might be time to install home dehumidification. At T.F. O’Brien, we have experience in helping people with their indoor air quality needs, including dehumidifiers. Simply call us at 516.488.1800, and we’ll be happy to help you with your dehumidification needs.