A/C Preventive Maintenance Time Is Now

Summer is just around the corner, and Long Island homeowners will be depending on their air conditioning systems to keep their homes cool and comfortable.   Preventive maintenance is a good idea; you can have a professional make sure that everything is in working order before it’s time to use your cooling system.   This will help you avoid last-minute problems, so that you don’t turn on your A/C system to find out something is wrong.   An efficient air conditioning system will save you money as well.

Typically, a maintenance check will include tightening electrical connections, inspecting condensate drains, checking the controls on your system and lubricating all moving parts.   A professional will also do any necessary cleaning of condenser coils, blower components and the evaporator, making any adjustments necessary.

Preventive maintenance helps keep your air conditioning unit running at peak performance, which means a more comfortable home and lower energy costs.   By taking care of your system on a regular basis, many costly repairs can be avoided in the future.   To help you remember to have your heating/cooling system checked, you may want to plan maintenance in spring and fall when the time changes.   Keep in mind that contractors are often busiest when summer months begin, so have your equipment checked early to avoid possible delays.

There are a few things you can do yourself as well, such as cleaning or changing your air filters on a regular basis.   For best performance and cleaner air, change or clean air filters once per month.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about A/C preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.


T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.  To get started, get a quote from us or check out our special offers.