Annual Service Makes You A Priority Customer And Protects Your HVAC Systems

hvac service agreements - Long Island, New YorkGive Yourself Peace of Mind With a Yearly Maintenance Appointment

You expect a long life from your car, because you take good care of it: You get regular oil changes, lubrication, filter changes, tire rotations, and inspections on time. All this care extends the life of your vehicle. Likewise, there is no less a need for annual service on your HVAC systems; in fact, it’s the best way to ensure a long life for your heating and cooling equipment.

Annual service on an air conditioning system should be scheduled prior to the first start-up of the season, and the same standard applies to your furnace. This is because both pieces of equipment run continuously for months, then sit idle for several more months. Parts wear, accumulate dirt and dust, and require lubrication; burners need cleaning; coils and evaporators accumulate grime. As such, both furnaces and air conditioners need annual service checks.

Air conditioners have moving parts that wear, electronic components that can loosen from movement and vibration, and condenser and evaporator coils that accumulate debris and dirt. All of these can threaten the efficiency and life span of the unit.

Furnace parts should be cleaned professionally. For burners, the oxygen and fuel mixture should be examined to ensure proper combustion. Flues and exhausts must be checked to make sure the draw is properly balanced. Oil furnaces require an annual oil filter replacement. Again, without timely service, the proper functioning and life span of the unit is at risk.

When you set up annual service for your equipment with T. F. O’Brien Cooling and Heating, we take care of your HVAC investments. Our expert technicians check your equipment thoroughly to anticipate problems and make sure that your final use of the season is just as good as the first start-up. Later, in the event that there’s an equipment problem, you jump to the head of the line: as our customer, we know your equipment and we’ll make sure you’re up and running as quickly as possible. Your annual maintenance checks with us give you the priority service you deserve. To set up a maintenance program, call us at 516.488.1800. We’re always ready to help.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about service agreements and other HVAC topics, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.


T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.  To get started, get a quote from us or check out our special offers.

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