Look For These Features When Choosing Dehumidification Systems

Dehumidification Systems - Long Island, NYMuggy Long Island Days Are More Manageable With a Dehumidifier


Summer in New York can become quite hot and humid and cause the air in your home to feel clammy. This is uncomfortable for you and potentially damaging to your home, as it invites mold. You will know that the humidity level is too high in your home if your windows are fogged, the walls are damp, and the air smells musty.

One way to counteract these problems is to install a dehumidification system.

High humidity in your home creates a hospitable environment for mold and mildew. That’s when you begin to notice the musty smell. Keeping the humidity down will keep the mold and its accompanying smell at bay.

Dust mites thrive when humidity is high. One way to combat these pesky critters is to keep your humidity level around 50 percent. At this level, dust mites cannot absorb enough moisture to thrive.

There are two types of dehumidification systems:

  • Desiccant dehumidification is most economical at lower temperatures and humidity levels below 45 percent.
  • Mechanical dehumidification is most economical in areas that have high temperatures and humidity levels above 45 percent.

When you’re comparing dehumidification systems, consider the following:

  • Cost. Bigger means more money. Larger units are appropriate for humid basements. Smaller units can be used in closets and bathrooms.
  • Location of the system. Dehumidifiers that reduce moisture in basements need to be more efficient to counteract low air circulation. Dehumidifiers for closets are smaller and less expensive and work as well as larger systems.
  • Noise level. Different dehumidification systems run at different noise levels, depending on the amount of electricity used.
  • System speed. Dehumidifier speed is a function of the amount of humidity and the surface area where the dehumidifier is placed.
  • Energy consumption. Dehumidifiers that remove humidity from the air quickly consume less energy.

If you have questions about how a dehumidification system can make your home more comfortable during the summer, contact us at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We will be happy to answer your questions.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about how to choose a dehumidification system and other HVAC topics, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.


T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.  To get started, get a quote from us or check out our special offers.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.