Get It Down On Paper, And Use HVAC Service Quotes To Your Advantage

Planning Your Next HVAC Project Requires Comparison Shopping

When you need work done on your heating and cooling system, it is wise to shop around for excellent workmanship and equipment at a fair price. It’s also smart to use written quotes — contractors’ proposals describing the work they’d do and at what price — to help you compare companies.

When discussing your system’s problem with an HVAC technician, be sure they explain everything they propose to do — and the reasons for doing it. They should be able and willing to answer your questions in detail. Along with a written description of the work they would do, they should provide  a timeline of the project: When will the work begin, and when will the technician be finished?

After you have received at least three quotes from different companies, scrutinize them. If a particular service is offered only by one company, odds are it’s unnecessary. But return to that company, as well as the others, to ask if that service is truly required. It may be a preventive measure that you decide is worth the expense.

Also to consider: Price should not be your sole deciding factor when you’re comparing HVAC service quotes. Quality of equipment and workmanship are important as well. Get recommendations from friends and family who’ve worked with good HVAC contractors in the past. Look at online reviews to read about other people’s experiences. HVAC companies’ website should also list any affiliations or credentials that can speak to their reputations.

For more expert advice on what to expect from HVAC service quotes, contact T.F. O’Brien Cooling and Heating today.   We have been offering the   best equipment and service to meet Long Island’s heating and cooling needs since 1934.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about service quotes and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.