The Repair Or Replace Dilemma: Let T.F. O’Brien Help You Decide If Your Furnace Will Last Another Season

Evaluate Your Home Heating Situation Before the Cold Days Arrive


We all know the economy is tight. We want to try and get by with things that may be old but still work well. An older  furnace is one of those pieces of equipment that we may need to either repair or replace. If repairs are  not extensive and other factors are agreeable, it may be less costly to hold on to it. If not, now’s the time to upgrade — before winter sets in.

There are a few things to consider before taking a chance on your furnace lasting another winter. This information  may help  you with  the repair-or-replace decision process.

  • How old is your furnace? A lifespan averages about 15 to 20 years. If it is nearing that age, it may be wise to start shopping for a new one.
  • Has it worked hard the past few winters?. Obviously, any mechanical device that operates frequently will wear out more quickly. A furnace in Alabama lasts longer than one in New York.
  • Have you had frequent repairs? Frequent service  calls can be an indication that it’s time to replace.
  • Do you have regular annual maintenance? Your  heating technician can forewarn you of any looming problems during a seasonal  checkup. Chances are, if you have had yearly checkups, your unit will continue to work another winter.
  • What is your furnace’s efficiency rating? If your furnace is old, you may be sending a lot of fuel out the chimney as waste. Older equipment can waste 30 percent or more of each unit of fuel, while newer models are up to 95 percent efficient.

If you’re unsure about whether to repair or replace your furnace, contact us at T.F. O’Brien Cooling and Heating. We can check  your equipment and let you know what is in your best interest. Our technicians are familiar with all types and brands and can offer options to help you make an informed decision.  We’re always ready to help.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about furnace repair, furnace replacement and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.