Choosing a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats may be  the most intelligent household devices you can purchase for your home.  They pay dividends the first day you use them and features on newer devices go far beyond just temperature settings. Prices vary, but the choice to switch to programmable is not difficult once you know about the features and energy savings possible with these units.

So, what does a programmable thermostat do?

A programmable thermostat raises and lowers the temperature in your home all based on your energy requirements. For example, in the winter, we recommend you set your programmable thermostat on the low side after midnight because you’re in bed anyway.

Thermostats use different rules on different days so that the temperatures fit your daily activities. Here are three common programs:

7-day: You program each separate day of the week.
5+2 day: This has a Monday through Friday program , plus a weekend program.
5+1+1-day: Monday through Friday, plus separate Saturday and Sunday programs.

Lots of features are available in newer models, such as controls for humidifiers, dehumidifiers, ventilation systems, and the ability to set the thermostat remotely. You can get reminders for filter changes, your UV filters and just about any issue connected to your heating, cooling and humidification systems.

Carrier®’s Infinity Control programmable thermostat, which we consider our best thermostat, can adjust temperatures in up to eight different zones.  That makes it easy to save money by cutting back on heating and air conditioning in sections of your home that aren’t used as much or seem to naturally be warmer or cooler on their own. Bonus rooms built above a garage to serve as an office, but are hard to heat and cool, are perfect for this precise programming.

Of course, you want to choose a programmable thermostat that fits your system. The professionals at  T.F. O’Brien are happy to discuss the options and offer expert advice. Call us if we can help.

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, please download our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.

Benefits of a Whole-House Humidifier

We all know that dry air can be uncomfortable.  Your skin gets dry and itchy, your lips get chapped, static electricity makes your clothes and hair do funny things; and even breathing doesn’t always feel great.  But did you know that low humidity levels can also have several other negative effects?

A whole-house humidifier has many benefits, and they are not just limited to increasing your home comfort:

  • Improve indoor air quality: Proper moisture levels reduce bacteria, viruses, and other irritants and help lower the risk of respiratory infections.
  • Protect your home furnishings: Dry air can be damaging to wood floors, furniture, trim, and musical instruments.  Dry air also tends to be dustier, causing you to clean and vacuum more frequently.
  • Save energy: Dry air feels colder, which will make you turn up the heat in winter, using more energy and costing you money.  The proper humidity level will make you feel warmer and help keep utility bills down.

It is clear that proper humidity levels are important for home comfort, air quality, and energy savings, but why should you consider a whole-house humidifier?

  • Every room will have the same humidity level.
  • You don’t have to maintain several portable humidifiers throughout the house.
  • They do not use a reservoir, so there is no stagnant water available for mold and mildew to grow.
  • They use less energy than portable units, especially in the case of  flow-through humidification systems.
  • The don’t take up valuable space in our home; you don’t even see them!

There are several models and types of whole-house humidification systems available.  The model that is right for your home will depend on your existing heating and air conditioning system, the size of your home, and other factors.  We have a long history of helping our Long Island customers find the best home comfort solutions for their needs,  call us today to learn more about what a whole-house humidifier can do for you.

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Bigger is Not Always Better When Purchasing HVAC Equipment

When it is time to replace heating and air conditioning equipment, it is absolutely essential that you match the size of the unit to the needs of your home. Do not assume that just because a unit has more power it is the appropriate HVAC system for use in your house. Today’s hvac systems come in a variety of sizes for a reason, and you need to choose the one that will be the most efficient at heating and cooling your home.

The best way to determine which of the hvac systems on the market is best suited for your use is to have a home air infiltration inspection. Our skilled technicians have been trained to take the proper measurements to make sure that your system is operating as efficiently as possible when heating and cooling your home. They can also determine how remodeling projects that you have done since your current system was installed will effect how the new one operates.

An air infiltration inspection will determine how tightly your home is sealed. If there is a significant amount of outside air leaking in, the size of your HVAC system may need to be larger to insure proper heating and cooling. A typical 2 ton air conditioning unit will do a fine job cooling a 1200 square foot home but if that home is not sealed well you may need a 2.5 ton unit. Manufacturers recommend 1 ton per 600 square feet of living space but as we learned through our years of experience, one size does not fit all.

If you choose a unit that is too big for your home, you could be wasting your hard-earned energy dollars because your equipment is short-cycling. This also wears out your system’s components more quickly.   Ask us about how to get the HVAC system that is the right size for you.

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, please download our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.