Is AC Repair Needed for Your New Hyde Park Home… Or Is It Time to Replace?

Making the Decision About Repairs or Replacement for Your AC?

The steamy summer months have arrived in New York. Chances are, you’ve already turned on the air conditioning. Have you noticed that your home simply isn’t as cool as it ought to be? Then, you might be considering AC repair for your New Hyde Park home. Nothing is worse than expecting the good old AC to kick on, only to discover that it’s working poorly – or not at all.

But how do you know if you should repair the air conditioning system in your New Hyde Park home, or replace it with a new one? The folks at ENERGY STAR have provided consumers with a few scenarios in which replacement may be more ideal than AC repair. You might want to give T.F. O’Brien a call if:

The AC in your New Hyde Park home is more than 10 years old.

The older your system is, the more likely it will need AC repair. Not to mention, older systems are far less energy-efficient than their modern counterparts. You could be spending a lot more on your utility bills than you need to.

This isn’t your first rodeo calling us for AC repair.

We’re always happy to see you; really, we are. But we also know the cost of AC repairs can add up. We don’t want you spending more than you should on fixes to a system that’s going to keep failing. We can help you find a new air conditioning system for your home that fits your needs – and your budget.

The humidity levels in your home are outrageous.

No matter how good your air conditioning system is, the hottest, most humid days are still going to produce some moisture in your home. But, if you have AC, you should be able to enjoy drier indoor air even when it’s muggy outside. If you’ve noticed the AC system in your home isn’t doing as good of a job as it used to at keeping moisture at bay, there’s likely a problem.

Your energy bills are through the roof.

If the AC system in your New Hyde Park home is performing poorly, you’ll probably be noticeably less comfortable. Some rooms may feel warmer than others, you might have noticed that your system is noisy, and there might even be excess dust in your home. If you notice all of these factors, and your energy bills have gotten ridiculously high, then it’s a surefire sign your AC system is not up to snuff.

We get that nobody wants to think about replacing their air conditioning system. It’s an expensive venture. You as a consumer need to weigh the pros and cons of the situation. If you’re not comfortable in your home, if your energy bills are high, and if you’re spending a lot on repairs, are you really saving that much money? A new system will offer you efficiency, so you can save more on your bills. It will keep you cooler without running as much. And, depending on the types of repairs needed, your replacement will likely be the less expensive choice in the long run.

Of course, if you do decide AC repairs are the way to go for your New Hyde Park home, T.F. O’Brien can help. We’ll never suggest a replacement to you unless we think it’s necessary. What’s more, we’ll make all repairs promptly and effectively, so you’ll be able to enjoy cool comfort in no time. Just give us a call at 516.488.1800 and we will be happy to assist you.