Chill Out With Air Conditioning for Your Suffolk County Home

Give Yourself the Gift of Cool Air This Summer


Things are about to heat up, especially if you don’t have air conditioning for your Suffolk County home. The summer months here can get downright balmy. Without AC you’re likely to feel hot, sticky and uncomfortable. But, does air conditioning really provide benefits for people suffering from the heat? Here are a few ways air conditioning can help you chill out when Mother Nature turns up the temperatures.

Air conditioners remove humidity.

ASHRAE states that air conditioning was initially conceived for humidity control. Modern air conditioning systems help to dehumidify the air. What’s more, some of the cutting edge systems on the market today can act as effectively as a dehumidifier – which is great for those super sweltering days.

Some people with breathing disorders benefit from AC.

Johns Hopkins says that for some people with breathing disorders, such as asthma, AC can be of great benefit. They indicate that central air conditioning is ideal, as long as filters are changed regularly. Air conditioning helps to cut down on the humidity and the allergens that can trigger respiratory illnesses. Therefore, if you or a loved one suffer from respiratory concerns, air conditioning for your Suffolk County home could be helpful.

People tend to sleep better in air conditioned rooms.

Well, at least in cooler rooms – which can be difficult to achieve when outdoor temperatures are at the melting point. In a Huffington Post article by Dr. Christopher Winter, he cites that research has shown optimal sleep temperatures to be between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. When temperatures go above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll likely start tossing, turning and sleeping poorly.

Air conditioning is good for the very young – and the elderly.

The very young – infants and small toddlers – as well as the elderly have a harder time in the heat. That’s because their bodies don’t process changes in temperature as well. Small children and the elderly are often most at risk for dehydration, too. The best way they can play it safe is to stay in an air conditioned area during extreme heat. So, if you have an infant or elderly family member in your Suffolk County home, air conditioning could be an important choice.

Air conditioning increases productivity.

A Careerbuilder survey showed that office productivity increases when temperatures range from 68 to 71 degrees Fahrenheit – temperatures that can best be achieved by air conditioning during hot summer months. If you don’t already have air conditioning in your Suffolk County office, why not consider installing it – and enjoy an increase in productivity from your employees!

When you choose T.F. O’Brien to help, we can assist you with any and all of your air conditioning needs. We’re a full-service AC contractor, offering everything from installation of high-efficiency air conditioning systems and space-targeted ductless, to maintenance and tune-up services, to system repair. We think you’ll love the benefits air conditioning offers for your Suffolk County home, and we want to help you and your family stay comfortable. Just give us a call at 516-488-1800 and we’ll help you get the right AC for your Suffolk home.