This May, We Can Help You Get Ready for Summer

Longer Days Mean Warmer Days on Long Island

May is one of the most beautiful times of the year here on Long Island. The days are warmer and longer, the trees have blossomed and the flowers are in bloom. It’s a time of transition between spring and summer, and that means many people are preparing their homes for the summer season to come.
Part of that preparation should include making sure your air conditioning system is ready for action. If you haven’t called us yet to get your annual maintenance scheduled, make sure you do soon. Once the summer heat hits, we get busy with installation and repair, and that means we might have to get to your maintenance later than you’d like. So call 516-488-1800 to schedule now, before the rush!

May is a great time to think about new air conditioning, too.

Some of you might have a space in your home that has no ductwork. You might think that means you can’t enjoy air conditioned comfort in that area, but that’s not the case. Learn how our ductless solutions that can make any area in your home climate controlled, all year long by clicking here. And, we always tell you why you should consider AC for your home – here are a few reasons why you might not want to consider it.
We hope you have a wonderful May!
Thanks for reading! 
Kerry O’Brien