Five Scary Signs You May Need Indoor Air Quality Products

A home with Halloween decor and bats against a full moon

If you’ve been feeling a bit frightened by the air quality in your home recently – no worries. There are many products available on the market that can help you get improved indoor air quality this autumn and all year through. Today’s homeowners don’t have to live with floors that creak, corners that collect cobwebs, or phantom odors that drift up from the basement. There are solutions for every one of these problems – and you don’t have to call Ghostbusters to get them.

Not sure if unsatisfactory indoor air quality is haunting your home? Here are a few telltale signs.

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  1. Creaky Floors: Do your wood floors creak and groan when you walk across them, or even in the quiet of the night? You probably aren’t being haunted; that is, haunted by anything other than low humidity. This can especially be a problem when the heating runs frequently, so if your wood floors, furniture, and doors are making ghostly sounds, you might need to add a home humidification system.
  2. Moldy, Smelly Basement: If you have creepy-looking grey or green mold growing up the walls of your basement, you probably are having a problem with too much humidity. An overly humid, dark basement is the perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, and even bacteria. Adding a dehumidifier in your basement can help alleviate that problem, making your home cleaner and healthier.
  3. Creepy Cobwebs: If the corners of your rooms are covered in cobwebs, and if you frequently have to dust your mantle and moldings, the chances are your HVAC system isn’t properly filtering the air before it circulates throughout your home. You can solve this by replacing your system’s filter whenever it’s dirty. And, if this doesn’t do the trick, an air cleaner can help.
  4. Mysterious Orbs: If you ever notice strange little balls of light in photos you take in your home, it could be a ghostly presence, but it’s far more likely you have dust and debris floating around in the air that you might not even be able to see with the naked eye. As we said above, dusty indoor air is a sign of a dirty filter, so make sure you change it out seasonally, or even monthly depending on how much your system runs. Not sure how to do it? We can help – give us a call, and we’ll show you how or do it for you.
  5. Unpleasant Odors: Are you and your family haunted by a stinky house? Do cooking smells, pet odors, and smoke from either cooking or tobacco linger in the air? Then you might want to consider improving your ventilation and air filtration. We can help with both, and we offer state-of-the-art air cleaners that virtually eliminate other “goblins,” like germs, bacteria, dust, pollen, and dander.

You don’t have to be spooked by problems with your indoor air. Call T.F. O’Brien today.

At T.F. O’Brien, we know that being comfortable in your home goes beyond heating and cooling. That’s why we offer our customers complete indoor air quality products and services as well. And getting what you need isn’t a nightmare – all you need to do is give us a call at 518.488.1800, and we’ll schedule an appointment for you.