Allergies Acting Up? Here Are Some Late-Summer Culprits.

GettyImagesYou may notice that during the late summer and early fall, your allergies start to act up a bit. That’s because some of the culprits that cause fall allergies make their appearance as early as late August. That can make for a very long allergy season – and nobody wants to deal with sneezing, itchy eyes, and a stuffy nose any longer than they have to. So, what might be causing your allergies to be on the uptick?

Usually, here on Long Island, we need to look no further than ragweed. This abundant wild plant is responsible for the majority of late summer and fall allergies. And, avoiding the pollen it emits is difficult. Even in areas where ragweed doesn’t grow, allergy sufferers should be on the lookout – the pollen can travel hundreds of miles. Another common cause of late summer and fall allergies is mold. Why is that a problem? Leaves that fall from trees are a perfect breeding ground for it because it thrives in cool, damp places.

What can I do about indoor air quality if I suffer from allergies?

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Well, we aren’t physicians, so we can’t provide you with any medical advice when it comes to your allergies. But we are home comfort doctors of sorts – and that means we can help you get equipment for your home that can reduce allergens and make your indoor air cleaner and fresher. These five practical pointers can help you keep allergens at bay in your home:

  1. Keep windows and doors closed in the morning, as that’s when pollen counts are generally at their highest.
  2. Make sure floors are swept, mopped, or vacuumed regularly. Carpets especially can hold allergens, so clean them regularly.
  3. Change your HVAC system’s filter. Filters keep contaminants from entering the air of your home, but if they get dirty, they’re not effective.
  4. Choose a high-efficiency filter. We can provide you with the same type of air filters used in hospital operating rooms.
  5. Consider installing an air purification system. If you have allergies or other respiratory concerns, a whole-home air purifier can be very helpful. That’s because these systems are designed to reduce all areas of indoor air pollutants, including particulates, microbial particles, and gases.

At T.F. O’Brien, we’re happy to help you with your indoor air quality needs.

Don’t let your allergies get the best of you this year – just call T.F. O’Brien at 516.488.1800. We can’t wait to tell you about the many ways you can breathe easier!