Limited Duct Space? Consider High Velocity Heating.

Do you live in an older, multi-story home but need better heating? Then it’s time to get your “ducts” in a row and consider the benefits of high velocity heating. Developed to provide optimal heating in homes where space for ductwork is limited, high velocity heating systems can provide you with the heat and comfort you need – without the headache of having to install ductwork throughout your home.

High velocity heating circulates the heat throughout your home with small diameter ductwork – which is especially beneficial in homes where larger diameter ductwork may be space-prohibitive. High velocity heating systems use a type of indoor equipment known as an air handler, outdoor equipment, a line set of pipes that connect the indoor and outdoor units, and a small-diameter duct system that transfers heated air throughout your home. All you need to control the system is a standard thermostat.

What are Some of the Other Benefits of High Velocity Heating?

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Smaller ductwork and improved home comfort are the obvious benefits of installing a high velocity heating system in your home. But there are several other benefits you’ll enjoy when you choose to install high velocity heating in your home. Check out these additional perks:

  • Quiet Performance
  • Space Utilization
  • Limited Remodeling
  • Draft-Free
  • Consistent Temperature
  • Humidity Reduction
  • Attractive Design

T.F. O’Brien can help you get the high velocity heating you need.

When you’re considering a high velocity heating system for your home, look no further than T.F. O’Brien. We’re pleased to offer our customers high quality solutions that will help you and your family enjoy better home comfort – without the hassle of adding a large ductwork system to your home.

To find out more, simply call us at 516.488.1800, and we’ll be glad to help you.