Getting Your Home Holiday-Ready

Enjoy the Holidays and Stay Safe!

Ready or not, here they come. That’s right, folks – the holidays are upon us. While you may be riding the struggle bus to get yourself in the mindset for the holidays and everything they entail, getting your home holiday ready is a much simpler undertaking.

Let’s start with those holiday lights. Do those endless strands of twinkling lights make you cringe as you think about what they’re going to do to your energy bill? We recommend switching over to LED lights. Of course there is an initial investment to be made but it won’t take long before they’ve already paid for themselves. Additionally, they’re more durable, don’t burn out and are much safer to use, both indoors and out, because they don’t get hot.

Speaking of safety, we would be remiss to not mention some tips to keep you and yours safe from dangers within your home this holiday season (and no, we’re not talking about the in-laws here!). On average, U.S. fire departments respond to about 50 house fires each year caused by Christmas trees. To prevent your family from becoming a negative holiday statistic we recommend keeping your tree at least three feet from all heat sources and avoid placing it in a corner at all costs. Fires that start in corners are found to spread more quickly and get hot faster than those that start in other parts of the home. You also want to be sure to keep all exits and pathways clear in the event of an emergency (a tip you can use to rationalize purchasing fewer gifts too!)

Will that jolly old elf be struggling to get down your chimney this year? He won’t if you’ve recently had it cleaned and inspected. Chimney fires account for more than 25,000 fires annually and often spread to the main structure of the home. The good, and bad, news about chimney fires is that they can be prevented with regular inspection and cleaning.

We hope that you’ve had your furnace serviced for the season but if you haven’t we recommend making an appointment to do so as soon as possible. Not only will a clean furnace run more smoothly and efficiently, but also a thorough inspection by a certified technician will allow you to identify any potential problems that you may be likely to encounter during this holiday and heating season. The last thing anyone wants this time of the year are unexpected guests and unexpected home repairs so when it comes to your heating system it is certainly better to be proactive rather than reactive. Additionally, check those smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure that they are current and that their power supply is fresh.

Surviving the holidays is a team effort and when it comes to prepping your house, T.F. O’Brien is on your side. Give us a call today at 516.488.1800 and let us give you the gift of peace of mind this year.