At T.F. O’Brien, We Believe in Being Green!


Conserving Energy is Everybody’s Business

T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating is a full service HVAC company located in New Hyde Park, N.Y. We have been meeting the heating and cooling needs of Long Island residents since 1934. Our company offers a wide range of products and services, including: heating and air conditioning installations, repair and maintenance service; generator installation, maintenance and repair; indoor air quality products; and ductless systems. Our professional affiliations include NARI, ACCA and the Chamber of Commerce.

As part of the Green Committee, T.F. O’Brien strives toward green practices, both for our business and for our clients. We believe it is important to work toward preserving the environment in the most proactive way possible, which is why we’ve put several measures in place that we feel have helped our business evolve toward environmental responsibility.

At work, we have made efforts to become as paperless as possible. One of the primary ways we’ve done so is by equipping our technicians with iPads. That way, when they go out on calls they are able to use the iPad to update client records, which eliminates the need for a paper report.

In addition, we’ve made efforts toward sending e-bills to any client who wishes to receive them. Also, for the last two years we have been sending e-newsletters to clients on a monthly basis as opposed to a paper newsletter, which we know saves valuable resources, both with the paper for printing and the fuel for transporting.

Also, as a business we regularly partake in recycling, from the plastic and paper used around the office, to old equipment we remove from customers’ homes, to the e-cycling of used computers and electronics. We also participate in and support the Green Committee’s annual Shredding Day, where local businesses and individuals are able to have private documents shredded and taken to a recycling facility.

What’s more, T.F. O’Brien encourages our customers to engage in green practices as well. According to ENERGY STAR, as much as 50 percent of the energy used in a home goes to heating and cooling. As an HVAC company, we feel it is beholden on us to educate our customers on the ways they can improve the performance of their homes’ comfort equipment. We endeavor to help our customers become greener by offering them high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment.

Additionally, we explain to our customers other ways they can improve the efficiency of their comfort equipment. For instance, we can offer them a ductless system, which provides a much more energy-efficient alternative than a window air conditioning unit. We also show them how using a programmable thermostat can help them save on their energy usage – some of today’s thermostats can even be controlled remotely, allowing people to maintain efficiency even when they’re away from home.

At T.F. O’Brien, we also educate our customers on programs that are available to help them afford high efficiency equipment. There are numerous government, utility and manufacturer rebate programs that can help defray some of the costs of equipment, and we stay current on the latest in offerings so that we can help our customers purchase the greenest home comfort solution possible.

All of us at T.F. O’Brien believe that we as business owners have a responsibility to our customers, our planet, and the generations to follow us to help preserve the environment. We strive toward conducting green business practices, offering environmentally sound products, and recycling as often as possible. We believe that the work we do today will impact the world tomorrow, so it is our mission to do so in an Earth-friendly manner.