Home Insulation Upgrade: 3 Ways You’ll Benefit

home insulation upgrade, Long Island, New YorkKeep Winter Weather Out and Warm Air in With Insulation

As the temperature starts to drop, many Long Island homeowners take steps to make their homes winter-ready. In addition to fall furnace preventive maintenance, evaluating your home’s insulation should be a top priority before winter hits.

Taking measures to inspect and improve your home insulation is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to ensure that you and your wallet stay comfortable in the cold months ahead.

Compared with larger undertakings like replacing the furnace, a home insulation upgrade is an affordable project that will quickly pay you back. Many homeowners think of insulation as a barrier to heat entering their homes during the summer; however, it is also effective at preventing the heat generated by the furnace from escaping to the attic or other unheated spaces during the winter.

Here are three benefits that you can expect to receive from improving home insulation:

1. Boosted comfort — When your home is equipped with adequate insulation, the warm air from your heating system will stay right where you want it — inside your house. You will also enjoy a more even distribution of heat. It is wise to insulate the areas underneath your floor as well, as this will prevent cold air in the basement from cooling off the first floor.

2. Reduced noise — Whether you can hear talking through interior walls or are disrupted by the noises of traffic, airplanes and other outdoor activities, inadequate wall insulation is a problem that can easily be remedied. Adding insulation will help to both absorb and deflect any unwanted sounds.

3. More savings — Improving insulation helps reduce heating expenses over the winter season. In fact, the more insulation a home has, the less climate-control systems must run — saving energy. This is because when heat is unable to escape from the living areas of your home to unheated rooms like your attic or garage, your furnace will not need to work as hard.

For more advice on home insulation, contact the professionals at T.F O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We proudly serve residents of the Long Island area.

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