Before Investing in an HVAC Upgrade, Get Load Calculations Performed

load calculation, Long Island, New YorkUnderstanding How Your Home Uses Energy is Important

Upgrading an HVAC system could be one of the most complex purchases you make as a homeowner, and the critical first step is a load calculation. Continue reading “Before Investing in an HVAC Upgrade, Get Load Calculations Performed”

Ductwork Obstructions Might Be the Culprit When it Comes to Home Inefficiencies

ductwork obstructions, Long Island, New YorkCheck Your HVAC System’s Ductwork Regularly for Issues

If your energy bills were high this summer when you ran the air conditioner or you have uncomfortable spaces inside your home, you might have ductwork obstructions. Continue reading “Ductwork Obstructions Might Be the Culprit When it Comes to Home Inefficiencies”

How to Keep the Second Story of Your Long Island Home Comfortably Cool

keep the upstairs cool, Long Island, New YorkYour Home’s Top Story Needs Some Help to Stay Cool


During warmer months, Long Island homeowners rely on their air conditioning system to reduce the rising temperatures. Unfortunately, many people run into a problem trying to keep the upstairs cool since heat rises. Continue reading “How to Keep the Second Story of Your Long Island Home Comfortably Cool”

Enjoy Insulation Benefits in All Seasons on Long Island

insulation benefits-all seasons - Long Island, New YorkWhy You Should Treat Insulation as a Vital Part of Your Home Comfort

Most people know that insulation benefits homeowners in the winter by keeping out the cold, but it also benefits your home during warmer months by sealing in cool air and keeping the heat out. If you’re unsure if your home is adequately insulated, check to make sure that it meets the needs of our climate. Continue reading “Enjoy Insulation Benefits in All Seasons on Long Island”

Is Summer Heat Gain Getting the Upper Hand in Your Long Island Home?

summer heat gain, Long Island, New YorkRunning your air conditioner 24/7 is enough to counter summer heat gain, but it sure doesn’t make your energy bills look very pretty. Here are some helpful tips for keeping your home cooler so your A/C doesn’t have to work as hard. Continue reading “Is Summer Heat Gain Getting the Upper Hand in Your Long Island Home?”

The Heat Lurking in Your Attic: Is It Creeping Into Your Home?

heat in attic, Long Island, New YorkIf only heat in attic spaces stayed up there, it wouldn’t be a problem. But when solar energy radiating through the roof raises attic temperatures up to 150 degrees in summer, it becomes an issue for the whole house, not just the attic. Continue reading “The Heat Lurking in Your Attic: Is It Creeping Into Your Home?”

Taking Charge of Summertime Cooling Costs: 10 Foolproof Tips

summertime cooling costs, Long Island, New YorkTrying to stay comfortable in Long Island’s mid-year heat and humidity can get expensive, but these 10 tactics will give you a good head start on controlling your summertime cooling costs. Continue reading “Taking Charge of Summertime Cooling Costs: 10 Foolproof Tips”

Tend to Your Air Conditioner Maintenance Now, Before Long Island Heats Up

air conditioner maintenance, Long Island, New YorkLonger Days Means It’s Time to Get Ready for Summer

The ideal time for air conditioner maintenance is in the spring, so your system is functioning at its highest level of efficiency before the summer heat arrives. Continue reading “Tend to Your Air Conditioner Maintenance Now, Before Long Island Heats Up”

Year-Round Energy-Saving Best Practices for Efficiency

home energy-saving best practices, Long Island, New YorkThere are Some Simple Ways to Keep Your Energy Bills Down

If you’ve resolved to adopt some energy-saving best practices, it may help to think of saving energy like making choices on a grocery shopping trip. Continue reading “Year-Round Energy-Saving Best Practices for Efficiency”

Don’t Let Ice Dams Wreak Havoc On Your Roof

Removing Snow and Improving Attic Insulation Will Save Your Roof

The last thing Long Island homeowners need to contend with is another catastrophe triggered by the weather. So if continuing winter weather has kept you on edge, it may help to remember that you can take a proactive stance with regard to ice dams. In fact, you can absolutely prevent an ice dam from wreaking havoc on your roof, as well as your home and wallet. Continue reading “Don’t Let Ice Dams Wreak Havoc On Your Roof”