Three Ways You Can Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Keep Your Home’s Air Free of Allergens and Pollutants


The arrival of spring also means the arrival of allergy season for many, and for those who suffer from allergy, asthma and other respiratory conditions, breathing easy can be difficult. It’s important for everyone that the quality of the indoor air they breathe is clean, fresh and healthy. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there are three ways you can take a proactive approach to your indoor air quality so that you and your loved ones can breathe better this season: controlling the source, improving ventilation and installing air cleaning devices.

  • Source control is, basically, mitigating or removing anything that’s causing indoor air pollution in your home. That means removing any mold or mildew in living areas as well as in places like your basement, having your gas stove adjusted so emissions are decreased, and stopping activities that contribute to indoor air pollution like smoking tobacco or burning certain candles and incenses. You might also look at the type of chemicals you’re using for home cleaning, as some can cause breathing problems and allergic reactions.
  • Improved ventilation is another way you can help improve the quality of the air inside your home. Ventilation is, basically, bringing fresh air from outside into your home. Since most HVAC equipment like furnaces and air conditioners are basically designed to circulate indoor air, you’re pretty much always breathing the same air in your home, unless you have good ventilation. Opening windows is one way to get fresh air inside, but often this isn’t enough. Many people today are opting for whole house ventilation systems, which help eliminate issues like allergens, indoor pollutant and humidity by bringing fresh air into your home.
  • Air cleaners, especially whole-house systems, can be effective in the removal of certain particles in the air you breathe in your home. Air cleaners help get rid of indoor pollutants like mold, dust, dander and some bacteria. Those equipped with a HEPA filter can capture at least 90 percent of all particles sized 0.3 microns or larger in diameter. While air cleaners can effectively remove particles in your indoor air, they require upkeep, and filters need to be changed according to manufacturer specifications in order for them to continue to work properly. Air cleaners should be used in conjunction with source control and improved ventilation.

If you’re having trouble with the quality of air in your home, the best thing you can do for you and your family is contact a qualified home comfort company to help. Because they’re highly trained and use the right equipment and measuring devices, they can quickly discover your indoor air quality problems, make the right recommendations, and install the equipment you need for improved indoor air. When you call T.F. O’Brien, we can help you with your air quality concerns and more. Just give us a call at 516.488.1800, and we will be more than happy to help you get the IAQ you and your family deserve.