The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, but let’s face it – it can also be the most expensive. Not only are you buying gifts, traveling, entertaining and decorating, but you’re heating system is likely running steadily – and that can up your utility bills. Luckily, there are a few ways you can conserve energy in the winter that will help you save on your energy bills.
Check out these energy saving tips from the Dept. of Energy:
- Open the drapes of your south-facing windows during the day to take advantage of the sun’s warming rays.
- If you have window drafts, weatherize them. And, replace airy summer curtains with heavier drapes.
- Layer up with warmer clothing, and turn the thermostat down as low as is comfortable. Set the thermostat back when you aren’t at home and during sleeping hours.
- Seal up places around your home where cold air could be sneaking in, like around pipes and chimney gaps.
- Turn down the temperature of your hot water heater to the warm setting, around 120ºF.
- Stringing up lights this holiday season? Choose LED decorative lights to help reduce energy usage.
- Keep your heating system in shape. Get your seasonal maintenance from us, and change your filter regularly.
Taking these measures can help your winter home become much more efficient and can help you reduce the cost of energy in your home. If you’d like to learn more about energy efficiency, T.F. O’Brien can assist you. From smart thermostats to high-efficiency heating equipment, we want to help you make your home its efficient best. Just give us a call at 516.488.1800 and we’ll be happy to help.