Boosting Your Indoor Air Quality, From Basement to Bedroom

indoor air quality, Long Island, New YorkEach Room of Your Home Presents Different Air Quality Problems


As a homeowner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that the indoor air quality is clean and safe for all the occupants in the house. The different rooms attract a variety of pathogens that reduce the overall indoor air quality. Knowing what the contaminants in each room are allows you to address them and the risks they pose.

Here’s a room-by-room breakdown:

  • Living room – Your living room should be well ventilated, as it’s prone to having secondhand smoke, pet dander and dust. Vacuuming frequently can improve your home’s air quality. Don’t allow any smoking in your home, as this can trigger asthma and other respiratory ailments. Pet hair and dander can also make breathing difficult, particularly for children, so don’t allow pets on carpets and upholstery.
  • Bathroom – The bathroom is the dampest part of the home and needs a lot of air to stay dry. Without adequate ventilation in this room, mold can grow due to high humidity, causing allergic reactions to the occupants of the home. Installing a ventilation system will keep dampness under control.
  • Bedroom – The bedroom should be well ventilated. Dust the furniture and vacuum any carpets on a weekly basis. Bedding should be washed and changed regularly, as it collects dust and dust mites easily.
  • Kitchen – The kitchen is an area of the house where gas leaks and chemicals can be found. Proper storage of hazardous products is vital if you want to have the best indoor air quality. Pesticides must be kept out of children’s reach. Use non-toxic substances especially when children and pets are in the home.
  • Basement – The basement contains hazardous supplies, detergents, chemicals and power units. Winter and heavy rains can cause dampness in the basement. Because heaters emit carbon monoxide, make sure CO detectors are installed and in good working order in all living areas.

For more expert advice on boosting your home’s indoor air quality, contact the pros at T.F.O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We’ve been serving the Long Island area since 1934.

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