Feel Better This Fall with Improved Indoor Air Quality

Young woman wrapped in blanket drinking hot teaFall is here, and with it comes all the wonderful things that the season brings – changing leaves, colorful home decorations, and yes, pumpkin spice everything. Unfortunately, the fall season can also bring along seasonal allergies and viruses, both of which can leave you feeling sniffly and sneezy. The good news is that there are many products available that can help keep allergens and viruses at bay in your home, helping you and your family enjoy a healthier fall season.

In this article, we’ll talk about some of the products available that can help to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ) by removing unwanted particulates from the air you and your family breathe. And, we’ll explain how T.F. O’Brien can help you get these products – and improved IAQ for your home. Keep reading to learn more!

Three Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Learn more about IAQ products that have been specially designed to clear the air in your home:

  • High-Efficiency Air Cleaners: Most heating and cooling systems use a filter that helps keep larger particles, like dust and dirt, out of your home’s air. But the main function of your furnace filter is to help keep your system running efficiently and to help keep the inner components of your system clean. Often, people find that they need more advanced filtration, and that’s where air cleaners come in. This product helps to remove other particles, like spores and pollen, from your indoor air – and that can make a big difference to the allergy sufferers in your household.
  • Air Purifier: A photocatalytic oxidizing air purifier works to improve your indoor air quality by chemically treating the air to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds are the byproducts of common household materials like paint, carpet, vinyl flooring, air fresheners, cleaning products, and more, as well as other pollutants. People with sensitivity to chemicals and synthetic scents often find that their symptoms improve once an air purifier is installed.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) Germicidal Lights: Once the kids are back to school, many families find themselves dealing with all sorts of viral and bacterial illnesses. Ultraviolet germicidal lights can kill up to 99% of airborne contaminants like mold, bacteria, and viruses.

All three of these products are often installed together and work in conjunction with each other to tackle the toughest IAQ problems. A professional HVAC contractor can help you make the right choice when it comes to which products may be best for your home.

T.F. O’Brien can help you get the IAQ solutions you need.

If you’re ready for a whole-house air quality solution that will ensure a safe, healthy environment your family and guests can truly enjoy, call us. No two homes are the same, and we’ll be happy to send one of our Home Comfort Advisors to meet with you at your convenience to evaluate your unique situation and make recommendations. Then, our professional technicians will install the needed IAQ solutions – and you and your family will be breathing fresher, cleaner air in no time. Just give us a call at 516.488.1800 to get started.