Vacationing? First, Take Care Of These Home Maintenance Musts

home maintenance before vacation, Long Island, New York

Things to Do Before Heading Out of Town

If a trip away from Long Island is in the cards this summer, make sure to prepare your home before you leave. Taking the time for basic home maintenance will not only save you money, but it can also save you from returning to unwanted surprises or costly repairs.

Here are some steps to get you started:

  • Put deliveries on hold — Contact your local post office and newspaper carrier and put a hold on deliveries until your return. An alternative solution is to have someone stop by on a daily basis to collect papers and mail.
  • Give your fridge the once over — Dispose of any food that will expire or spoil; turn the temperature up a few degrees to save some energy.
  • Turn off the water — An important home maintenance tip, turning off the water will help you avoid coming home to water damage, or even a flood.
  • Pay outstanding bills — To avoid incurring late charges upon your immediate return, get this chore out of the way before you go.
  • Turn up your air conditioner — Turning up the A/C has several benefits. You’ll save on your energy bills, and with the unit still running occasionally, it will also help to remove excess moisture in the air, inhibiting mold growth. Consider installing a smart thermostat or other remote monitoring device, which can alert you to any drastic temperature changes, allowing you to adjust temperatures from any location if you have an internet connection.
  • Unplug electronics and small appliances — Pulling the plug on items not in use will save you money, and avoid potential damage in the event of a power surge.
  • Turn off your water heater at the breaker — This unit will continue to heat water even in your absence, and it won’t take long to reach its normal temperature setting once you return.
  • Put lights on a timer — Select a few lights to come off and on at various times and turn the rest off.

For more vacation home maintenance tips, give us a call at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. For over 75 years we have been proudly serving the residents of Long Island.

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