Wishing You the Luck of the Irish!


Save Money on Your HVAC Services and Equipment

Welcome to the March Letter from Kerry. We hope you’re having a great month so far. March is, by far, one of our favorite months of the year here at T.F. O’Brien. We love to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, and we extend that celebration to our customers via our annual Shamrock Savings Event. Learn how you can take part in the saving of the green by clicking here! And, spring arrives (despite the piles of snow everywhere) this month. We hope that sends Old Man Winter packing, and we finally get to see some green grass again!

This month, you might want to start thinking about spring maintenance – it’s never too early call and schedule your appointment with us. Planned maintenance is important to the life of your equipment. March can bring unpredictable weather, like a snowstorm one day, then hail, then a thunderstorm! It’s good to know T.F. O’Brien can help you get a power source you can rely on via a standby home generator. Plus, you might be too chilly to consider it, but think back to last summer – was your AC working as well as you would have liked? Click here to read more about how you can find out if it’s on its last legs.

Have a magical March, and thanks for reading!
