Faced with Repair or Replace Decision? Some Tips!

Homeowners often face the decision of whether to repair or replace their furnace. Before making this important decision, answer the following questions:

  • Is your system in overall good condition? If so, it might be more cost- effective to repair it.
  • How long are you planning to live in your home? If you are moving within a couple of years, evaluate whether a new system will increase the value of your home. If the cost outweighs the investment value, consider repair. If you are planning on living in your home for many more years, consider the benefits of a more energy efficient system.
  • Have you addressed insulation and duct work? Proper insulation and seals can save up to 20 percent on your energy costs.
  • Are you using a programmable thermostat? A programmable thermostat can save up to 30 percent in energy costs.
  • Have you performed the Home Energy Yardstick? Use this tool to score your home’s energy efficiency.

Consider repairing if:

  • Your system is less than 15 years old.
  • The repair is under $500.
  • The overall condition of your system is good.
  • Your energy bills are reasonable and not concerning.
  • Your Home Energy Yardstick score is 5 or above.

Consider replacing if:

  • Your system is over 15 years old.
  • Your system needs frequent repairs.
  • Your Home Energy Yardstick score is less than 5. If the energy savings of a more efficient unit will cover all or part of your investment, consider replacing it.
  • Your utilities costs are constantly rising.
  • You are concerned about air quality. Consider replacement with an energy-efficient system that can reduce the potential for air contaminants like mold, bacteria, and dust.

A general rule of thumb that can be helpful in deciding whether to repair or replace your furnace is to add up your energy costs for the past winter and multiply by 20 percent. Divide that number into the cost of buying and installing. This is an estimate of how many years it will take to recoup your investment.

Of course, you can also count on T.F. O’Brien for expert advice on repairing vs. replacing your furnace. We can walk you through the options and help you make an educated decision. Call us if we can help.

Choosing a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats may be  the most intelligent household devices you can purchase for your home.  They pay dividends the first day you use them and features on newer devices go far beyond just temperature settings. Prices vary, but the choice to switch to programmable is not difficult once you know about the features and energy savings possible with these units.

So, what does a programmable thermostat do?

A programmable thermostat raises and lowers the temperature in your home all based on your energy requirements. For example, in the winter, we recommend you set your programmable thermostat on the low side after midnight because you’re in bed anyway.

Thermostats use different rules on different days so that the temperatures fit your daily activities. Here are three common programs:

7-day: You program each separate day of the week.
5+2 day: This has a Monday through Friday program , plus a weekend program.
5+1+1-day: Monday through Friday, plus separate Saturday and Sunday programs.

Lots of features are available in newer models, such as controls for humidifiers, dehumidifiers, ventilation systems, and the ability to set the thermostat remotely. You can get reminders for filter changes, your UV filters and just about any issue connected to your heating, cooling and humidification systems.

Carrier®’s Infinity Control programmable thermostat, which we consider our best thermostat, can adjust temperatures in up to eight different zones.  That makes it easy to save money by cutting back on heating and air conditioning in sections of your home that aren’t used as much or seem to naturally be warmer or cooler on their own. Bonus rooms built above a garage to serve as an office, but are hard to heat and cool, are perfect for this precise programming.

Of course, you want to choose a programmable thermostat that fits your system. The professionals at  T.F. O’Brien are happy to discuss the options and offer expert advice. Call us if we can help.

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, please download our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.

Air Filters: Change Regularly and Save Money

Performing the appropriate regular maintenance on air filters is vital to saving money and conserving energy. All of your heating, cooling, and ventilating (HVAC) systems need to have clean and functional air filters in order to run efficiently.

Your programmable thermostat  might have an indicator that lets you know when it is time to change filters. Pay attention to this alert and take care of it promptly. If left unchecked, a dirty filter can block the air that is supposed to be coming though the ducts, heater, or air conditioner. You can save energy by making sure this does not happen.

Dust and dirt can easily build up in your HVAC systems if the air filters are soiled or damaged. Cleaning and changing them regularly can help you to save thousands of dollars on avoidable repairs.

Energy and money can be saved by regular HVAC system maintenance. Your monthly utility bills can be lowered if you tune-up your equipment and keep the filters working at maximum capacity. Dirty air conditioners, dusty ducts and clogged heating vents waste energy and increase usage costs. It is not enough that these systems are operational, but they must work efficiently in order to save energy, and therefore save you money.

Your contractor should show you where the air filters for your system are located, and how to clean and replace them. During the winter and summer months when your heating and cooling systems are used the most, check the filters on a monthly basis to ensure the most cost effective and environmentally friendly usage. And, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help!

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, please download our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.