Selecting a Heating & Cooling Contractor? Ask Good Questions, Get Good Answers

Selecting A Heating & Cooling Contractor? Ask Good Questions, Get Good AnswersIf You Are Looking for a High Quality HVAC Contractor, Here are Some Things to Know


Selecting a heating  & cooling contractor  can seem like an overwhelming job, especially when the phone book alone has so many listings. How can  you, the average consumer,  make the choice that best suits your needs? You can start by asking your friends and family for recommendations. Do some homework on the internet and narrow your choices. Next,  interview  a few potential contractors, using the following  questions so you can make an informed choice. Continue reading “Selecting a Heating & Cooling Contractor? Ask Good Questions, Get Good Answers”

The Repair Or Replace Dilemma: Let T.F. O’Brien Help You Decide If Your Furnace Will Last Another Season

Evaluate Your Home Heating Situation Before the Cold Days Arrive


We all know the economy is tight. We want to try and get by with things that may be old but still work well. An older  furnace is one of those pieces of equipment that we may need to either repair or replace. If repairs are  not extensive and other factors are agreeable, it may be less costly to hold on to it. If not, now’s the time to upgrade — before winter sets in. Continue reading “The Repair Or Replace Dilemma: Let T.F. O’Brien Help You Decide If Your Furnace Will Last Another Season”

Allergy Steps For Cleaner Indoor Air Quality This Fall

Each Season Has Allergy Challenges, Improve Your Indoor Air Quality


August is the official start of the fall allergy season. Although there are many contaminants to be avoided, ragweed is  a main culprit that sets off bouts of sneezing, sniffling and watery eyes. New Yorkers are not immune. Even surrounded by concrete and steel, the lightweight ragweed spores can travel up to 400 miles. Each plant can produce a billion pollen grains so, there definitely  are enough to go around. Continue reading “Allergy Steps For Cleaner Indoor Air Quality This Fall”

Prepare For Winter With These Energy-Saving Steps

Prepare For Winter With These Energy-Saving StepsKeep Your Heating Bills to a Minimum With These Fixes


Preparing for an event or occurrence is much easier before it happens rather that waiting until it’s happening. Last winter was rough and this one has the potential to be just as bad — or worse. And, we all know that fuel costs keep rising. While temperatures are still warm, here are a few tips to help  you prepare and increase your winter energy savings. Continue reading “Prepare For Winter With These Energy-Saving Steps”

Furnace Preventive Maintenance Is Necessary Each Fall: Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Wait

Keep Your Furnace Operating Optimally With a Yearly Check Up


Doctors recommend regular checkups for us as a way to detect and treat health problems before they get worse. Preventive maintenance for your furnace can stem problems in your heating system. A  preventive maintenance call by a service technician also gets your heating system in shape for whatever Old Man Winter may throw its way. Continue reading “Furnace Preventive Maintenance Is Necessary Each Fall: Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Wait”

Optimize Efficiency Using Dual-Fuel Systems

Optimize Efficiency Using Dual-Fuel SystemsHaving Two Sources of Heat Will Give You Choices This Winter


By using both heat pumps and furnaces to their best advantage, dual-fuel systems provide an energy efficient solution for heating your home. Installing one of these systems can significantly lower your energy costs while at the same time helping you stay warm and comfortable year round. Let’s take a closer look at how these heating systems work. Continue reading “Optimize Efficiency Using Dual-Fuel Systems”

Installing An Air-Source Heat Pump? Consider Sizing Factors

Installing An Air-Source Heat Pump? Consider Sizing FactorsToo Small or Too Large of a Heat Pump System Will Cause Problems

It has been a hot summer in Long Island. But as cooler days approach, now is a good time to upgrade your heating and cooling system. If you are installing a new heat pump to replace your old system, it is important to work with a professional to correctly size your new equipment. Continue reading “Installing An Air-Source Heat Pump? Consider Sizing Factors”

Three Reasons Why You Should Choose Energy Star Equipment

Appliances That Meet Energy Start Requirement Will Save You Money

The Energy Star program was formed in 1992 out of the combined resources of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. Its mission is to improve the country’s energy efficiency and protect the environment by educating homeowners. Continue reading “Three Reasons Why You Should Choose Energy Star Equipment”

How To Get Peak Performance From Tankless Water Heaters

Lower Energy Costs and Hot Water on Demand From Tankless Water Heaters


Tankless water heaters are a great way to save money on heating water for your home. However, like with any other home comfort equipment, there are ways to optimize energy efficiency and get the best possible performance from your tankless heater. Continue reading “How To Get Peak Performance From Tankless Water Heaters”

Steps That Increase The Efficiency Of Your Home

Steps That Increase The Efficiency Of Your HomeBy Paying Attention to Leaks and Ventilation, You Can Save Money


As fuel prices continue to increase, energy efficiency is on the minds of many Long Island residents. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make your home as energy efficient as possible.   Continue reading “Steps That Increase The Efficiency Of Your Home”