Questions to Ask When Choosing a New Water Heater

When It Comes to Hot Water, You Have Choices

Water heaters are one of the biggest drains on a house’s energy use, especially as they begin to age. There are a few things to consider when picking a new water heater.  First, which system should you get? Here are some of your options: Continue reading “Questions to Ask When Choosing a New Water Heater”

New Home Energy Yardstick Can Target Energy Savings

Rate Your Home for Energy Use With Free Tool

Are you doing all you can to keep your home comfort energy costs low? It seems to be a never-ending quest to keep fuel and electricity costs at a manageable level. Prices go up and winters seem more severe; summer heat seems more oppressive. Have you ever wondered how your efforts to see more energy savings are paying off? Continue reading “New Home Energy Yardstick Can Target Energy Savings”

Humidifier Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

A Well Maintained Whole House Humidifier Will Reap Benefits

A whole-house humidifier can make dry, indoor heat feel so much more comfortable. The humidity level in a home also helps keep the thermostat set a degree or two lower which helps on energy costs. Although the humidifier demands relatively little attention, there are a few things that the homeowner should occasionally check to make sure everything is in good working order. Continue reading “Humidifier Cleaning and Maintenance Tips”

You Protect Your Computer With a Surge Suppressor, Why Not Your HVAC System?

All Electronics Need Protection From Power Surges

Your heating and cooling system is no different.

When lightning strikes nearby or a storm knocks down a power line, it’s possible to send a surge of energy through the power grid, damaging sensitive electronics. Anything with a microprocessor is at risk, including your heating and cooling system.   Continue reading “You Protect Your Computer With a Surge Suppressor, Why Not Your HVAC System?”