No Ducts? No Problem — Ductless Mini-Splits Provide Possibilities, Increase Home Comfort

ductless mini-splits long island, ny areaModern homes are not built, they are engineered. A significant amount of professional time and effort is devoted to the optimal design of every system in a house. As such, remodels and room additions to these designs are best left to professionals, who will know when to expand ductwork or to utilize ductless mini-splits. Continue reading “No Ducts? No Problem — Ductless Mini-Splits Provide Possibilities, Increase Home Comfort”

Zoning Systems Give You More Control Over Your Home’s Heating And Cooling

HVAC zoning systems long island, nyTrying to keep everyone happy in the family, in terms of temperature, can be difficult with a single thermostat controlling the temperature of your home. Zoning systems offer controlled heating and cooling, improved comfort, and better energy savings. Continue reading “Zoning Systems Give You More Control Over Your Home’s Heating And Cooling”

Troubleshooting Tips To Try To Get Your Heat Pump Working Properly

Heat Pump Troubleshooting tips Long Island, NY areaWhen your heat pump starts to give you trouble, it’s only natural to want to find the simplest and most affordable solution. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of simple – and more importantly, safe – heat-pump troubleshooting tips for Long Island homeowners. Continue reading “Troubleshooting Tips To Try To Get Your Heat Pump Working Properly”

Do You Know How Lifetime Costs Impact Your Heating System Purchase?

lifetime costs for HVAC equipment Long Island, NY areaWhen purchasing a major appliance, such as a heating system, there are upfront costs and there are lifetime costs to consider. Upfront costs are the price of the equipment along with installation. Lifetime costs involve both upfront costs and the costs to maintain the equipment, fuel costs and other factors. Continue reading “Do You Know How Lifetime Costs Impact Your Heating System Purchase?”

Prepare For Winter With These Energy-Saving Steps

Prepare For Winter With These Energy-Saving StepsPreparing for an event or occurrence is much easier before it happens rather that waiting until it’s happening. Last winter was rough and this one has the potential to be just as bad — or worse. And, we all know that fuel costs keep rising. While temperatures are still warm, here are a few tips to help  you prepare and increase your winter energy savings. Continue reading “Prepare For Winter With These Energy-Saving Steps”

Three Reasons Why You Should Choose Energy Star Equipment

The Energy Star program was formed in 1992 out of the combined resources of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. Its mission is to improve the country’s energy efficiency and protect the environment by educating homeowners. Continue reading “Three Reasons Why You Should Choose Energy Star Equipment”

Comfort Plus Control with Zoning Systems

An option for your heating and cooling system that allows better comfort, greater control and the potential to reduce energy costs sounds good, doesn’t it? The use of zoning systems gives homeowners that type of increased comfort and control in our homes.

Zoning systems added to a home’s existing heating and cooling systems results in a more consistent temperature level. The home is divided into “zones” that have their own thermostat. The different thermostats tie into a central control allowing the homeowner to have a consistent comfort level in all the home living spaces. This eliminates problem rooms or areas that are too cool in winter or too hot in summer. The flow of conditioned air is more accurately balanced without getting one room too hot or cool in order to warm up or cool off another room. More air is delivered where it is needed, less air where it is not.

The air distribution can be controlled and the comfort level in each zone is more easily maintained. Rooms or areas that are rarely used can be dealt with separately. Keep those areas at a winter level of 65 degrees and a summer level of 78. While the other living spaces maintain a 72-degree level, you are saving energy costs by reducing the heating and cooling of rooms that are seldom, if ever, used. Put the warm and cool air where it is needed, not where it is wasted.

Zoning systems can give you that kind of control. If you and your family have noticed “hot spots” or “cold spots” inside the home, zoning may be a solution. If you would like an assessment of your home to see if zoning systems can give you greater comfort and control, contact us at  T.F. O’Brien. We’re always happy to help with answers and options for your home comfort concerns.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   For more information about zoning systems and other HVAC topics,  click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

House Not Comfortable? Improperly Sized Ductwork May Be the Problem.

Many homeowners don’t realize how much heated or cooled air escapes from duct systems before reaching the rest of the house. Some estimates say about 20 percent of the air in a typical home’s duct system is lost as a result of air leakage in the ducts themselves. Improperly sized ductwork is one cause of this problem.

Air does not flow smoothly when a home’s ducts are sized incorrectly, which can make your home too cool or too warm. In our part of New York, where we face both extremes of hot and cold weather, making sure air is flowing correctly makes a big difference in your comfort. The dust that can accumulate in ductwork that is improperly sized, when air flow is inhibited, will take a toll on your indoor air quality, as well.

Comfort and air quality are important, but just as important is the impact that inefficient ductwork has on your energy bills. Without the right flow, your home isn’t as energy efficient as possible and you’re really putting a strain on your heating and cooling systems.

If you suspect your air flow isn’t what it could be, consider an inspection by a certified professional. T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating can come up with strategies to you get your home back on track and all your heating and cooling systems flowing properly. We strive to educate our customers about their heating and cooling needs. For more information on ensuring your system is in proper working order and that your home is as efficient as possible, please see our free Home Comfort Resource Guide.

Air Filters: Change Regularly and Save Money

Performing the appropriate regular maintenance on air filters is vital to saving money and conserving energy. All of your heating, cooling, and ventilating (HVAC) systems need to have clean and functional air filters in order to run efficiently.

Your programmable thermostat  might have an indicator that lets you know when it is time to change filters. Pay attention to this alert and take care of it promptly. If left unchecked, a dirty filter can block the air that is supposed to be coming though the ducts, heater, or air conditioner. You can save energy by making sure this does not happen.

Dust and dirt can easily build up in your HVAC systems if the air filters are soiled or damaged. Cleaning and changing them regularly can help you to save thousands of dollars on avoidable repairs.

Energy and money can be saved by regular HVAC system maintenance. Your monthly utility bills can be lowered if you tune-up your equipment and keep the filters working at maximum capacity. Dirty air conditioners, dusty ducts and clogged heating vents waste energy and increase usage costs. It is not enough that these systems are operational, but they must work efficiently in order to save energy, and therefore save you money.

Your contractor should show you where the air filters for your system are located, and how to clean and replace them. During the winter and summer months when your heating and cooling systems are used the most, check the filters on a monthly basis to ensure the most cost effective and environmentally friendly usage. And, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help!

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, please download our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.

Homeowner Tips for Saving Energy and Money

Now more than ever, a penny saved is a penny earned. Homeowners everywhere are doing everything they can to reduce unnecessary energy costs at home by finding ways to reduce energy use and get better energy savings.

Start with energy-saving water and light fixtures. Look for  Energy Starcertification on light bulbs and water faucet filters/regulators. The U.S. Government has several websites available for searching all  Energy Star products [], as well as in-depth home energy savers tips and renewable energy resources.

Remember, if you are not spending time in a room, turn off the lights! Check all of your electrical sockets, is there something plugged in and not being used? Unplug it! Wherever possible try to condense electrical equipment into a power strip. So when nobody is around and there’s no need for electricity running through my TV, DVD player, computer, cell phone charger, or stereo, it only takes one flip of the switch and you’re saving money.

Check all windows from inside and outside, be sure there’s a tight seal of caulk around the window casing and trim. If you haven’t upgraded your windows and live in an older home with single pane windows, one word, weatherize. During winter, you can heat seal plastic onto the windows and use insulated curtains, as well.

Energy savings in the envelope of your home may require assistance from a contractor, but there are two things to remember, air flow and insulation. The U.S. Department of Energy states that heating and cooling systems account for approximately 56% of our home energy costs. Insulation protects your interior air temperature, and is mandatory code on all exterior walls for homes, but adding on an initial layer of spray foam will guarantee to seal all the cracks.

Also never neglect your ventilation system, have it cleaned and inspected twice a year and replace air filters monthly. Dirt, dust, mold and other contaminants are the enemy and will deplete your finances and health in the long run.

If you want more information about ways that you can achieve greater energy savings, contact us.   We can help you start saving today!

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, please download our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.