
Long Island

Is Your Gym Reopening? Here’s What You Should Know About Air Quality Requirements.

September 2, 2020

Many people in Long Island have been looking forward to getting back to the gym. One of the last businesses to reopen, gyms have been given a list of protocols that they must follow to open successfully. In addition to proper sanitization, mask-wearing, and social distancing rules, regulations, and considerations, the air handling systems in… Continue Reading

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Who’s MERV, and Why is the Governor Listening to Him?

August 5, 2020

As our area of the state reopens, there are guidelines we as residents are required to follow. Mask-wearing, social distancing, and staying home if we’re not feeling well are all some of the ways the average citizen is responding to the COVID-19 crisis, but for businesses, some additional rules and guidelines must be followed. Recently,… Continue Reading

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You Can Improve the Indoor Air Quality in Your Commercial Space

June 3, 2020

As Long Island enters Phase 1 of the reopening process, business owners may be wondering what can be done to improve the indoor air quality, or IAQ, of their commercial spaces. Many people are concerned about the air they’re breathing, both at their place of employment and at businesses they frequent. If you’re interested in… Continue Reading

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Phase 1 Reopening on Long Island: What It Means for You

June 3, 2020

Some Things to Know as We Cope With Covid-19 on Long Island As an essential business, T.F. O’Brien has remained open for our customers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We have taken every necessary precaution to keep both our valued clients and employees safe during this time, and we appreciate your cooperation in our efforts. It… Continue Reading

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Resolve to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient in 2020

January 3, 2020

It’s that time of year again – when everyone starts thinking about their New Year’s resolutions. Many times, they revolve around weight loss and fitness, and sometimes achieving personal and professional goals. One resolution that can help both you and the planet in 2020 is to conserve energy. And it’s a resolution you can keep… Continue Reading

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Have An Attitude of Gratitude? Here Are 9 Things Only Long Islanders Would Be Thankful For.

November 26, 2019

When Thanksgiving rolls around, most of us take some time to think about what we’re truly thankful for. Of course, friends and family top that list, as well as the wonderful Thanksgiving feast that’s been lovingly prepared for us. As Long Islanders, though, we have some other wonderful things to be thankful for. We live… Continue Reading

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Five Reasons You Need A Generator For Your Home

September 3, 2019

As hurricane season approaches here on Long Island, it’s time to think about preventive measures that can be taken to help you and your family stay safe during the storm. While we hope a hurricane doesn’t happen, it’s good to be prepared in case it does. One of the best ways you can ensure that… Continue Reading

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How A Heat Pump System Can Help You Keep Your Cool This Summer

June 3, 2019

Many people are exploring ways that they can keep their homes comfortable year-round, all while reducing their carbon footprint. Your home comfort systems account for a good percentage of your home’s overall energy usage. It only makes sense that when it comes time to replace your equipment, you choose a system that not only provides… Continue Reading

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Choose T.F. O’Brien for AC Installation in your Long Island Home

April 9, 2019

Spring is in the air, and the summer months will be here before you know it. Is your AC system up to the challenge of keeping your home cool? Is your current system more than 10 years old? Have you noticed a decline in the performance of your air conditioning over the last few years,… Continue Reading

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Who Should I Hire for Heating Repair for My Long Island Home?

March 6, 2019

Find a Highly Qualified and Respect Local Long Island HVAC Contractor Winter has been pretty relentless this year, and that means heating systems all over Long Island have been working extra hard to keep people comfortable. Sometimes, especially if the system is older or hasn’t received the heating maintenance it needs, heavy use can cause… Continue Reading

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