Your Fall Furnace Inspection: Did You Skip It?

Have Us Come Out and Check It Before Winter Ends

HVAC contractors recommend a fall furnace inspection to optimize HVAC system efficiency all winter long. However, it’s not too late if you skipped a fall tuneup this year. The comfort in your Long Island home will be dependent on the furnace for another few months. Scheduling an appointment now will yield lower utility and repair bills this season. Continue reading “Your Fall Furnace Inspection: Did You Skip It?”

Ignoring Routine Air Filter Replacement Can Have Serious Consequences

air filter replacement

Make Replacing Your Air Filter a Part of Your Routine


When was the last time you changed your air filter? If you’re like most homeowners, it’s been months, or maybe even years. While most people replace the filter when their home comfort system stops working efficiently, neglecting regular air filter replacement can cause plenty of problems — from higher energy bills to more allergens and lower air quality. Continue reading “Ignoring Routine Air Filter Replacement Can Have Serious Consequences”

Closing Air Vents in Your Long Island Home? What You Need to First Understand

closing air vents

Modern Heating Systems Need Proper Ventilation

It’s a cold winter day in Suffolk County. You’re home alone, freezing because you don’t want to waste energy by turning the heater up. So, thinking it will help, you go around the house and close air vents in empty bedrooms. It seems logical that restricting airflow from your heater or air conditioner will save energy or work faster, but the opposite is true. Continue reading “Closing Air Vents in Your Long Island Home? What You Need to First Understand”

Air Cleaners to the Rescue When You’re Sickened by Your Home’s Air

air cleaners, Long Island, New YorkChoose an Air Cleaner That Works for You and Your Family

Air cleaners come in many varieties. They’re especially useful for people with allergies, asthma, or other medical conditions. The market’s filled with different kinds of air filters and cleaners, making it difficult for the average homeowner to figure out what’s best for their home. Continue reading “Air Cleaners to the Rescue When You’re Sickened by Your Home’s Air”

Furnace Troubleshooting: How Outside Exhaust Vents Can Trip You Up

hvac technician in front of truckMake Sure All Vents are Clear for Proper Exhaust of Fumes

When you’re in the midst of furnace troubleshooting, don’t forget to check your outside exhaust vents. The combination of warm air from the vents, exterior moisture and freezing winter temperatures can trip your furnace up.

A large percentage of winter service calls are linked to outside exhaust vents that have iced up, preventing furnaces from venting properly. Before you call a licensed HVAC technician, make a few assessments on your own to prevent an unnecessary call.

Simple furnace troubleshooting tips

  • Check your thermostat. Sometimes the thermostat is bumped accidentally and the setting is unintentionally changed from “heat” to “cool.” Verify that your thermostat is set correctly in case a simple push of a button is all you need to be comfortable again.
  • Verify that your system has power. It could be that your furnace breaker has tripped, in which case your system doesn’t have power. Verify that the breaker hasn’t tripped. Other issues which can cut power to your furnace include:
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  • The power switch is off. The furnace power switch is usually located on the ceiling above your furnace and looks like a light switch. Make sure it’s in the “on” position.
  • Furnace fan door has come loose. If the furnace fan door isn’t on properly, it will not operate. Call a professional if you’re not sure how to fix it.
  • Check outside exhaust vents. Do they look free and clear of debris and ice? Accumulated snow and melting water, which freezes overnight, can clog your vents. Make sure they’re 100 percent free of blockages.
  • Remove vent screens. It’s a good idea to remove the vent screens every winter. While they protect your system from debris, leaves and critters during the rest of the year, screens can act as a snow and ice trap during the winter months. Removing the screen will mitigate snow and ice accumulation in the first place. Don’t forget to replace them again in the spring.

If your furnace troubleshooting was ineffective, contact T.F. O’Brien Heating & Cooling. We’ve provided reliable service to Long Island customers since 1934. Our technicians will get your furnace operating efficiently in no time.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics,  download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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Done Insulating? Not If The Attic Hatch Is Leaking

attic hatch is leaking, Long Island, New YorkWarm Air Can Escape Into Your Attic Through the Hatch: Seal it!

If your attic hatch is leaking, it may be a big source of energy loss in your home. Further, it will negate other insulation improvements you make to the attic. Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to stop leaks through the attic hatch. Continue reading “Done Insulating? Not If The Attic Hatch Is Leaking”

Heat Pump Troubleshooting: If At First You Don’t Succeed, Don’t Try Again — Call The Experts

heat pump troubleshooting, Long Island, New YorkTry These Things Before Calling Us About Your Heat Pump


Do you have heat pump problems? To save time and money, it may be worth attempting a few fundamental heat pump troubleshooting tips to get your system up and running before you call your HVAC technician.   Continue reading “Heat Pump Troubleshooting: If At First You Don’t Succeed, Don’t Try Again — Call The Experts”

Have You Changed Your Furnace Filter Lately? You Should

changing the furnace filter, Long Island, New YorkYour Furnace Needs Fresh Air and Changing Your Filter Does Just That


When the colder seasons get into full swing, it’s time to make sure your furnace is in proper working condition. Scheduling preventive maintenance for your furnace is important, but so is changing the furnace filter. Continue reading “Have You Changed Your Furnace Filter Lately? You Should”