Home Insulation Upgrade: 3 Ways You’ll Benefit

home insulation upgrade, Long Island, New YorkKeep Winter Weather Out and Warm Air in With Insulation

As the temperature starts to drop, many Long Island homeowners take steps to make their homes winter-ready. In addition to fall furnace preventive maintenance, evaluating your home’s insulation should be a top priority before winter hits. Continue reading “Home Insulation Upgrade: 3 Ways You’ll Benefit”

A Ceiling Fan Can Be Your Furnace’s Best Friend

ceiling fan with furnace, Long Island, New YorkWhen cooler weather arrives, homeowners need to be ready for it. Though many homeowners know the basic tips of sealing their windows and checking their home’s insulation to improve furnace and whole-house efficiency, there are other tricks to keeping your home comfortable and lowering energy costs. Did you know that by utilizing your ceiling fans in conjunction with your furnace, you can enjoy a cozier winter at a lower cost? Continue reading “A Ceiling Fan Can Be Your Furnace’s Best Friend”

With A Little Effort, You Can Reduce High Energy Bills

reduce high energy bills, Long Island, New YorkSaving Energy Can Be Done With a Few Simple Practices

Life on Long Island is expensive enough without having to worry about out-of-control energy costs. But you don’t have to make major home improvements or sacrifice comfort to reduce high energy bills. Just a few small steps can cut your energy costs in a big way. Continue reading “With A Little Effort, You Can Reduce High Energy Bills”

Ventilation And Insulation: Rx For The Long Island Attic That’s Spiking A Temp

ventilation and insulation in the attic, Long Island, New YorkYour Attic Might Be Sucking Energy Out of Your Home

If your home comfort and your wallet have seemed a bit under the weather this summer, you may be surprised to learn that your attic may be to blame. Adequate ventilation and insulation will allow you to improve your air conditioner’s efficiency and lower your spending. Continue reading “Ventilation And Insulation: Rx For The Long Island Attic That’s Spiking A Temp”

Ductless Mini Splits Require Maintenance To Operate Well: Here’s What Your Technician Should Do

PTAC Installed inside the houseKeep Your Ductless Running Optimally With a Yearly Tune Up

A ductless mini split should receive annual maintenance, just like any other type of HVAC system, to operate at its best. Continue reading “Ductless Mini Splits Require Maintenance To Operate Well: Here’s What Your Technician Should Do”

Is Refrigerant Huffing A Problem In Your Area? Addressing Issues With Safety, Efficiency

refrigerant huffing, Long Island, New YorkSimple Precautions Can Keep People from Abusing Freon

Recent news stories about refrigerant huffing are raising the awareness of homeowners about its dangers to people and their air conditioners. Continue reading “Is Refrigerant Huffing A Problem In Your Area? Addressing Issues With Safety, Efficiency”

A Noisy Air Conditioner Is A Nuisance — For Everyone — Here’s What You Can Do

AC Noise Can Be Reduced But Not Eliminated

noisy air conditioner, Long Island, New York

  • It could be your air conditioner. Or it could be your next-door neighbor’s. Either way, a noisy air conditioner can keep you up at night and cause you frustration.
  • Noisy air conditioners are a genuine nuisance for everyone involved. Here’s what you can do to mitigate the noise and keep your sanity. First, come to terms with a few bits of conventional wisdom about air conditioners:
  • Older units are noisier than newer units.
  • The compressor, more than the fan, is usually to blame for the racket coming from inside an air conditioner.
  • Dirty fan blades can make a lot of noise if they get so coated with dirt that they become unbalanced, contributing to the noise.
Don’t let a noisy AC unit
take away your home comfort.
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So how can you muffle a noisy air conditioner? First, know your limitations. If you feel out of your element meddling with an air conditioner (and many homeowners do),  call the experts at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We’ll clean your compressor and blades to ensure they function at peak efficiency.

Just remember that while cleaning will help matters, the noise may continue, especially if your unit is more than 10 years old. In this case, you may wish to consider building a fence around the unit. Installed at least 3 feet from the unit and made with boards that allow proper airflow, a fence made with sound-proofing materials may muffle a good deal of the noise coming from your A/C.

tech working

Another remedy? A sound blanket, which can be carefully placed on the inside of the air conditioner or heat pump and wrapped around the compressor. Sound blankets do not impair airflow; in fact, they actually insulate the compressor and help the unit maintain a more consistent temperature, thereby prolonging the life span of the compressor’s bearings. Further, sound blankets can reduce the noise coming from your air conditioner by 30 to 50 percent. They also prevent condensate from forming on the compressor on humid days. Learn more about air conditioning repairs.

Bringing peace and quiet to the Long Island, NY area for 85+ years

T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating has more than 85+ years experience in bringing peace and quiet to the greater Long Island area–and we can do the same for you and your noisy air conditioner with just a phone call.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Simply give us a call at 516.488.1800, and we will be happy to help.

5 Options For Reducing Home Heat Gain

reducing home heat gain, Long Island, New YorkSaving on Cooling Bills Means Keeping Heat at Bay

Heat gain is also called “solar gain” and “passive solar gain” and is the process whereby structures,  including our homes, warm up inside as the sun’s energy falls on the outside. There are several options for reducing heat gain, steps that are particularly valuable with  our hot and muggy Long Island summers.   Continue reading “5 Options For Reducing Home Heat Gain”

Your Air Conditioner’s Filter: Making Sense Of The MERV Numbers

selecting your air conditioner's filter, Long Island, New York

Our Experts Explain How Your HVAC Air Filter Works


Your air conditioner’s filter is important for enhancing home comfort and indoor air quality, and for the efficiency of your system. Continue reading “Your Air Conditioner’s Filter: Making Sense Of The MERV Numbers”

Diminished Home Comfort And High Energy Costs? 3 Possible Problems

home comfort, Long Island, New YorkAre You Getting Higher Energy Bills? Learn Why It Might Be Happening

If your home comfort is not up to par, it will generally result in an unpleasant living environment that leaves you feeling stressed and uncomfortable. When decreased home comfort combines with high energy bills, look to the following three possible problem areas in your home. Then, take action to remedy the problem. Continue reading “Diminished Home Comfort And High Energy Costs? 3 Possible Problems”