If You Don’t Know Anything About Your Home Air Conditioner, Remember These 7 Things

programmable thermostat helps your air conditioner, Long Island, New York

Here are Some Important Facts About Your AC

Here  on Long Island our summer days are beautiful, yet incredibly hot and equally humid. So it isn’t uncommon for homeowners to run their air conditioners nearly every day. Naturally, you don’t want to spend these glorious summer days worrying about the state of your home air conditioner. And with proper care and maintenance, you don’t have to.   Continue reading “If You Don’t Know Anything About Your Home Air Conditioner, Remember These 7 Things”

What Can You Do To Ease Allergies Indoors? 3 Tips

ease allergies indoors, Long Island, New YorkAllergy Season is Here, Learn What You Can Do About Pollen


When temperatures start to warm up around Long Island, allergies appear. Most allergies are caused by the presence and movement of pollen and dust through the air. Continue reading “What Can You Do To Ease Allergies Indoors? 3 Tips”

Bump In The Night: Furnace Sounds That Mean It’s Time To Call A Pro

furnace sounds, Long Island, New YorkIs Your Furnace is Making Strange Noises?


Snap, crackle, pop is fine in your cereal bowl, but not so fine when it’s coming from your furnace. How can you tell when those creaks and bumps in the night warrant a repair call? Here’s how to diagnose some furnace noises: Continue reading “Bump In The Night: Furnace Sounds That Mean It’s Time To Call A Pro”

Annual HVAC Service — How A Service Agreement Benefits You


Save Yourself Some Unplanned Issues With an Annual Plan

hvac tech working

Do you want to keep your HVAC system at peak working condition? Would you like to pay less on your utility bills, while enjoying peace of mind that your equipment is functioning safely? The best way to accomplish these goals is to schedule annual HVAC service. Continue reading “Annual HVAC Service — How A Service Agreement Benefits You”

Is Your Air Conditioner Ready For Cooling Season? Schedule Maintenance Now

air conditioner maintenance, Long Island, New York


Pretty soon, it will be time to turn on your air conditioner and sit back with a cool drink to enjoy–or maybe just wait out–the summer heat. But what happens if your air conditioner isn’t working after its winter break? Continue reading “Is Your Air Conditioner Ready For Cooling Season? Schedule Maintenance Now”

You’ll Know If It’s Time To Repair Your Furnace When You Learn What To Look And Listen For

furnace repair signals to look forHow to Determine If Your Furnace Needs Repairs


Your furnace is bound to get a workout as it keeps you warm through the cold Long Island winters, so now is the time to queue your ears and eyes to signs of trouble to keep it in good working order. Continue reading “You’ll Know If It’s Time To Repair Your Furnace When You Learn What To Look And Listen For”

What Can You Do If Your Heat Pump Is Not Working Properly? Try These Troubleshooting Tips

heat pump troubleshooting tips Long Island, NY area

A cold day on Long Island can seem even colder when you switch on your home’s heat pump and realize that the temperature inside isn’t getting any warmer. Heat pump troubleshooting is a process of trial-and-error that requires a little patience, and there are a few factors that you can check before calling an HVAC expert. Continue reading “What Can You Do If Your Heat Pump Is Not Working Properly? Try These Troubleshooting Tips”

Wondering What’s All The Hype About Preventive Maintenance? Why It’s Critical

preventive maintenance for HVAC equipment Long Island, NY areaDon’t Neglect the Equipment That Keeps Your Home Comfortable


We’ve all heard the saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Many apply that saying too loosely to preventive maintenance on a variety of home equipment, from lawnmowers to heating and cooling equipment. The trouble is, a preventive maintenance plan has more benefits than many homeowners might initially realize. Imagine a row of dominoes: Once the first one falls over, each successive one topples, until they’ve all fallen. Your HVAC equipment can end up the same way, without service. Continue reading “Wondering What’s All The Hype About Preventive Maintenance? Why It’s Critical”

The Repair Or Replace Dilemma: Let T.F. O’Brien Help You Decide If Your Furnace Will Last Another Season

Evaluate Your Home Heating Situation Before the Cold Days Arrive


We all know the economy is tight. We want to try and get by with things that may be old but still work well. An older  furnace is one of those pieces of equipment that we may need to either repair or replace. If repairs are  not extensive and other factors are agreeable, it may be less costly to hold on to it. If not, now’s the time to upgrade — before winter sets in. Continue reading “The Repair Or Replace Dilemma: Let T.F. O’Brien Help You Decide If Your Furnace Will Last Another Season”