Maximize Your Ductless Mini Split for Optimal Performance During Cooler Temps

tools-optimizing ductles mini split, Long Island, New YorkToday’s Ductless Mini-Splits Can Help Keep You Warm This Winter

Over the years, ductless mini split technology has improved greatly, making it a more viable heating solution in cooler climates. Follow these tips to maximize your ductless mini split for optimal performance during cooler temperatures. Continue reading “Maximize Your Ductless Mini Split for Optimal Performance During Cooler Temps”

Not Sure Where Your Long Island Home’s Inefficient? A Home Energy Audit Can Help

energy efficiency puzzle-home energy audit - Long Island, New York Have an Expert Inspect Your Home for Savings Opportunities


A professional home energy audit is the first step toward optimizing your home’s energy usage. Continue reading “Not Sure Where Your Long Island Home’s Inefficient? A Home Energy Audit Can Help”

Caulking and Weatherstripping Can Effectively Seal Air Leaks

seal air leaks with caulk, Long Island, New YorkKeep Your Cool and Warm Air in Your Home


Air leaks are one of the biggest reasons conditioned air goes to waste. Gaps and cracks in the walls, ceiling, ductwork and around windows and doors allow the air you pay to heat or cool to escape to the outside. Continue reading “Caulking and Weatherstripping Can Effectively Seal Air Leaks”

With a Programmable Thermostat You Can Schedule Comfort and Savings

programmable thermostat, Long Island, New YorkCustomize Your Home’s Temperature With Remote Capabilities

After a long day at work, many people return to an empty, chilly home in the summer and an empty, toasty warm home in the winter with no one but the utility company bill collector to appreciate the expense. Meanwhile, other homeowners who try to save energy expend too much of their own repeatedly changing the thermostat setting. A programmable thermostat is the answer to both energy-wasting scenarios. Continue reading “With a Programmable Thermostat You Can Schedule Comfort and Savings”

Enjoy Insulation Benefits in All Seasons on Long Island

insulation benefits-all seasons - Long Island, New YorkWhy You Should Treat Insulation as a Vital Part of Your Home Comfort

Most people know that insulation benefits homeowners in the winter by keeping out the cold, but it also benefits your home during warmer months by sealing in cool air and keeping the heat out. If you’re unsure if your home is adequately insulated, check to make sure that it meets the needs of our climate. Continue reading “Enjoy Insulation Benefits in All Seasons on Long Island”

5 Compelling Reasons to Give Geothermal Cooling and Heating Serious Thought

geothermal heating and cooling, Long Island, New YorkThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy (DOE) agree that geothermal cooling and heating is the most cost effective, environmentally friendly way to keep your home comfortable. Continue reading “5 Compelling Reasons to Give Geothermal Cooling and Heating Serious Thought”

Geothermal Cooling and Heating: What’s Good for You Is Good for the Planet, Too

geothermal heating and cooling, Long Island, New YorkIs Your Home a Candidate for an Energy Efficient Geothermal System?

If you’ve researched your HVAC options, you may know that geothermal cooling and heating systems are some of the most efficient systems on the market. But you might not be aware that they’re some of the most environmentally friendly, as well. Continue reading “Geothermal Cooling and Heating: What’s Good for You Is Good for the Planet, Too”

Your Springtime Heat Pump Maintenance

heat pump maintenance, Long Island, New YorkWhat You Can Do to Help Your Heat Pump Meet the Demands of Summer Weather

When spring rolls around, it’s a good time for homeowners to take on necessary heat pump maintenance. If you haven’t done it before, or if you need a refresher, here are some step-by-step tips to get you on the right path.

DIY heat pump maintenance

  • Start by hosing off the outside of the unit. Washing the unit with water removes the grime, debris and dead leaves that can get caught in the unit. Make sure that you wait until the weather has warmed up completely and you’re certain you won’t have to use your heat again until the fall. This task helps ensure that the heat pump will continue to run efficiently without dirt buildup.
  • Check your filters and replace or clean them as necessary. You may have disposable glass fiber filters that you can simply discard, or you might have plastic fiber or aluminum mesh filters that require washing and can be reinserted. If you’re not sure, check with your HVAC technician, who can show you how to best take care of your heat pump’s filter needs.
  • Most of the time, your heat pump maintenance won’t include lubrication, but you do need to make sure that dust is periodically removed from the motor. You can use air pressure like a vacuum in reverse mode or an air compressor to clean the dust off of the motor.
  • Make sure that you have your unit inspected by a professional periodically. This is one of the steps  that many forget, and if your heat pump is warrantied, it’s one of the easiest tasks that if not done routinely, can void the manufacturer’s warranty. Professional preventive maintenance can catch issues before they turn into costlier problems.

For more information on heat pump maintenance, or to schedule an appointment, contact the experts at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We’re proud to serve homeowners throughout the Long Island area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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Think a Programmable Thermostat Is Too Smart? Read On

programmable thermostat, Long Island, New YorkSave on Energy Costs by Adjusting AC or Heat Based on Use

When you leave your Long Island home for a day at work, do you need to heat it like you do when you’re home? Absolutely not, yet turning down the thermostat is just one more thing to remember on your way out the door. To make this job simpler, you can install a programmable thermostat to take care of this for you, so you can save money and energy while still coming back to a comfortable home. Continue reading “Think a Programmable Thermostat Is Too Smart? Read On”

Home Energy Savings as Simple as Understanding Your Gas Bill

gas billLearn How You Get Billed for Your Energy Use


Becoming well informed about your gas bill can actually help you increase your monthly home energy savings.

Gas company costs to the customer

Many homeowners may not realize that the gas provider purchases fuel from an outside source. This cost is typically 50 percent of the average customer bill. Interestingly enough, most companies pass this cost directly on to the consumer, without a price increase. Gas companies make a profit from their delivery fees and service charges.

The cost of gas can fluctuate monthly and seasonally, depending on the current fuel rate. This can be similar to the change in gas prices at your local gas pump. Your gas bill may show an average of these price fluctuations throughout the year, keeping the monthly cost basically the same.

Gas usage terminology

It’s worth your while and you can improve your home  energy savings if you understand how gas consumption is expressed on your bill. The quantity of energy used in the Long Island area is measured in therms. Without sounding too technical, this term is a short abbreviation for thermal unit. It reflects the consumption of BTUs, or British thermal units, where one therm is equivalent to 100,000 BTUs. Other costs appear on your bill reflecting various fees and charges. These costs are set by the company and the customer has no control over them.

Lowering gas costs for better home energy savings

One area you do have control over is the amount of gas your home consumes. The first step toward lowering costs is to have an energy audit performed. You can also pay attention to the BTU rating assigned to your appliances. The higher the BTU number, the higher the amount of energy it consumes per hour, which means higher gas consumption. Consider purchasing certified energy-efficient appliances. Energy and cost savings can be expected and are well worth the investment.

For more information about boosting home energy savings, contact the professionals at  T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We’ve been proudly serving homeowners in Long Island since 1934.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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